Chapter 2

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*Mark's POV*

I was going to go inside, but I hit a woman that was beautiful, just beautiful. She almost falls, but regains balance and I start worrying.

"Oh, sorry miss. Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Are you, I have a lot of spikes on my shoes."

I look down to her shoes and my god, there are a lot of spikes. I look down to my ankle and see some scratches. I look back up and she's looking at the floor. I lift up her face to be met by an emotionless one instead of sad, happy, anything. That made me worry more than anything in my life, seeing an emotionless face on such a pretty girl is scary.

"Are you okay, you look, sad," I ask. Her face stays the same as she answers.

"I'm fine. I don't want to waste your time."

I was about to ask her to stay with me, until I saw Jack and Felix. I kind of forgot about her and went up to Jack and Felix. I hugged them both and remembered the girl. I jogged over to the window and saw her being handed keys. I watched as she went to....a motorcycle? It seems right because of the jacket. She got on and fixed her helmet on her head after putting her stuff in the saddlebags, starting it with ease. She pulled out of the spot and drove by the window. She waved at me and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jack and Felix turn their heads to me.

After she left, I turn to the guys and they have the an expression that made me laugh. I walked out to my car and opened the trunk so they could put their stuff in while I get in the car. They close the trunk and get in the car. Felix was in the front while Jack was in the back. The ride was silent until Jack mumbled something

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I made it to my Airbnb and unlocked the door, stepping inside the living room while dropping my bags on the floor. I stretched and took my bag to the bedroom, while setting my small backpack on the island. I set my bag on he bed and started unpacking, putting all of the clothes in the huge closet and putting the toiletries in the bathroom in my room. I went out to the island and unzipped my backpack. I grabbed the gift and felt for any chips or cracks. There were none and I set it back in my backpack, zipping it back up afterwards.

 I walked to the kitchen and went through the cabinets. I found a boatload of cookies, but other than that, nothing. I sighed and went back to my room, flopping on the bed face first and putting my arms into a t-pose with my palms on the mattress. I laid there like that until I turned to the side. I checked the time, and it read 9 pm. I got up and pulled out some pajamas to wear and threw them on. I climbed into bed under the covers and pulled them up to my neck. I grabbed a handful of the blanket and held it  to my chest as I drifted to sleep.

I woke up to birds chirping their meaningless songs and groaned, not really feeling anything. I then remembered that PAX is today, and I need to look at least presentable. I threw the blankets over and walked to the closet to pick out an outfit. I picked out a black sweatshirt with bleach colored full length angel wings on the back, dark red undershirt, black ripped skinny jeans that say 'Never Give Up, There's Someone Out There, Somewhere' on the right leg in bleach coloring and my spiked Converse to top it off. I got on socks and my shoes after my jeans and pulled my undershirt over my torso. I glanced in the mirror and looked myself up and down, agreeing with myself that I needed to brush my hair.

I got on my sweatshirt and started to brush my hair, taking soft, but long strokes, going all the way down to the ends. Split ends. I then perked up, knowing that I needed a haircut and I saw a hair salon a block down the street. I quickly brushed it out while thinking of the style I wanted. I got a gray oversized t-shirt and put it on after I pulled off my sweatshirt. I kept on my undershirt because that would mess up my hair even more. I exited my 'house', waking down the street to the salon.

I got there just as they opened. Huh. So they open at 6 am? I thought as I entered. The lady who just opened smiled as I went up to her.

"Hello. I would like a regular haircut, please."

"Shampoo and conditioner too?"

"Yes please. The traveling from Ireland to here was stressful, especially the bike helmets."

"Okay, so that will be $20.50, please."

I give her 30 and told her to keep it. I had at least $300 in my backpack, so I wasn't that much of a penny pincher. Since I was the first one, I didn't even need to sit down. Another lady lead me to a seat, which I sat in as I told her my haircut.

"So, which haircut would you like, anything in mind?"

"Yep, I would like my hair cut till just above my shoulders. To about here." I showed her and she nodded. She put the apron over me as I adjusted in my seat, and she pulled out a wide tooth comb. I stayed emotionless as she glided through my hair with a surprised expression.

"I have never had a person who actually untangled their hair before they got here."

I stayed emotionless as she brought me to the sink. I don't like the sinks, it's easy to get a sore neck with those. I sat down and she started, watering down my hair, making the dark blonde a dark brown. Her face went from confused to really confused as she saw that. I felt the shampoo go on my head, her hands scrubbing it in my scalp. She rinsed it, keeping the water away from my eyes. I felt the cold conditioner on my head, the lady gliding it all over my hair. She rinsed it and started patting my hair with a towel. She got it dry-ish and guided me back to the chair, which I sat in as she took out her tools. I stayed still as she cut my glorious hair off until my shoulders. When she got done, she asked me a question.

"Would you like a thinning, that bike helmet probably won't handle all that hair now."

I nodded and she started cutting again. More hair fell off as I thought about where I would go in PAX. Maybe the shop. She took off the apron and I took a look at my hair. I liked it, it was fitting for my head, but I would probably get something else done to it like, tomorrow. She smiled and I left out the door, feeling the morning breeze in my face. I walked 'home' and got in, putting my sweatshirt back on.

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