Chapter 8

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

I was staring at Jack's hair for what seemed and eternity until Amy grasped my upper arm and slightly shook me.

"Oh my god! You look so good in that color! I think you just beat all of us with style."

All of them nodded, except for Jack. He just kept staring at my hair. I walked up to him and booped his nose, making him flinch and blink a few times before his eyes stared into mine.

"I can't start to explain how wonderful you look in that color. You definitely beat my color," he said while still staring in my eyes. I blushed and so did he, so I kicked in my nervous habit and brushed some hair to behind my ear, and Jack combed his hair with his fingers.

"Well, this has gone awkward," Ethan stated and I squinted my eyes at him, which he backed up and hid behind Mark.

"Mark save me, you're strong enough to," Ethan said, but Mark stepped to the side and I walked towards Ethan. His eyes widened and he started to run, going out the door and running off in the opposite direction. I shrugged and went back to the group, which were talking about random things. I popped in the conversation that was happening with Amy and Marzia.

"Oh hey (y/n). We were just talking about you and Jack. Ya know, how you two look at each other, how you both blush when you're around each other, how-"

"Yeah, have fun with that. Bye."

I walked off to find Jack. Maybe he would talk about something good. I found him alone, probably looking for someone. I walked up by him and his face lit up.

"Hey Jack."

"Hey (y/n). Say, why don't we sneak out of here, maybe to your place?"

"Sure, just be quiet. I know how hard it is for you to be quiet."

He stifles a laugh as we pass by Mark, and head outside into the cold-ish breeze. I turn the corner to be met by a strong wind. I shiver and pull my jacket tighter around me, zipping it up. Jack sees this and pulls me close to him, his arm wrapped around my waist. I blush at the action and walk towards the door, unlocking and opening it once we get there. Jack closes it as I sit down on the couch, trying to relax and it working. I was jut about to relax even more, until Jack called me to the place just by the front door. He was standing there, looking at the floor while wringing his hands. I walked up to him and put my hand on his, making him stop and look up at me.

"Jack, you look guilty of something. What did you do?"

He cupped my face with his hands and I was confused, but kind of knowing.

"I fell in love with a girl, and I want to say something to her, but I don't know how."

"Well, if you're confident enough, you say you love her."

"(y/n), I love you more than anything in the word."

I looked into his eyes and his eyes were bursting with love. He almost had heart eyes.

"Sean, I love you too."

He smashed his lips into mine and I instantly kissed back, and felt love in my heart. Then I felt happy, until he broke the kiss. I then felt a tinge of sadness. I could see that he wanted to kiss me again, so I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me again, this time more tenderly. A moment later, I heard Amy squealing. I broke the kiss and turned to see Amy almost jumping out of her skin, with Marzia grabbing her arm and jumping up and down with Amy. We let go of each other and Mark came up to Jack.

*Sean's POV*

Mark came up to me and had an insane smile. I shrunk a little, but Mark had lost it. He tackled me and started punching me. He punched me square in he nose, and I felt blood pool in my nose. I tilted my head to the side and the blood came out fast. He punched my cheek and I felt a bruise from. He stood up and kicked my stomach, making me curl up and grab my stomach.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Mark started beating up Jack, so I tried pulling him off, but no use. He stood up and kicked Jack, and Amy rushed to help me, and we pulled him away from Jack. I rushed over to Jack's curled up form and he looked up to me. I had worry plastered all over my face. Real worry. He uncurled and I put his head on my lap of my folded legs. Marzia rushed to the bathroom and got the first aid kit. She grabbed gauze and started wiping the blood from Jack's nose, but Mark had come back. Marzia kept cleaning the blood as he stormed to us. I gently set Jack's head down on the floor and stepped between Mark and Jack.

"(y/n), get out of the way."

"No, you hurt him, and he's your best friend."

"I said get out of the way."

"I won't let you hurt him any more."

"Fine, I guess I'll have to hurt you then"

My eyes widened as he raised a fist. My instincts kicked in and I caught the punch. He was a little surprised, until he took his other hand and punched my gut. I grimaced a little, but didn't let him have the advantage. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it back, ramming him to the floor beside Jack. He let out a breath as I held his arm with my knee and held his head with my hand. The others gasped and he admitted defeat. I felt him relax, so I got off him and Amy rushed over to me. She started turning my head to see if anything was hurt, but everything was fine. She sighed and I walked over to Jack, who was sitting up. I get on my knees in front of him and he smiles with a little blood still on his top lip.

"You have some blood on you."


I lean on my hands and kiss his lips. I could hear Amy and Marzia containing their freak-outs. I break the kiss and he's smiling like a goof.


I stand up and hold out my hand. He takes it with that goofy smile on his face as I help him up. He gets up and all the boys start slapping his back, patting his shoulder and telling him that he got a good one. All the girls swarm me and start telling me that I picked good. I smiled and then remembered the flower crowns.

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