Chapter 3

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I smoothed out the front of my sweatshirt, looking at the inky blackness of it. I sighed and grabbed my backpack and jacket, putting on the jacket and setting the backpack in the saddlebag. I buckled it and swung my leg over the seat. 

As I was fixing my helmet, I heard a wolf whistle and a backfire from a motorcycle. I tuned to see a guy with a leather vest on in a motorcycle gang, winking at me. I grabbed my KD's and slipped them on, which made the guy a little angry. I started it up and it revved to life, purring afterwards. I backed out of the driveway and was met by the guy. He wiggled his eyebrows and I leaned over. He thought of it as a kiss and closed his eyes. I slapped him across the cheek and grabbed his jaw.

"You do that to any woman ever again, I will rip out your tongue and force feed it to you so you can't whistle again. Got that?"

I let go of his jaw and flipped him off as I drove past all of them. I could hear all of them swearing so I went a little faster. This was going to be a good day, I could feel it.

I pulled up to the parking lot of the building, finding a spot by the entrance. I turned off my bike and swung the kickstand down, swinging my leg off and leaning it on the stand. I unbuckled the saddlebag and got out my backpack, putting it on one shoulder as I walked to the entrance. I was early, there was only a few people here, talking to each other about their idols.

I rolled my eyes and got in line behind a girl about my age with green dyed hair, a Sam shirt, green leggings and a flower crown that was green and another in her hand. She turned and scoffed at me, which I returned and took out my phone, turning to the camera and taking a fake selfie, but taking a picture of her. She had a scowl on her face when I took the 'selfie'. I put the phone back in my pocket and she pushed my shoulder with her index finger, which I looked her dead in the eyes.

"Yes, miss? Is there a problem," I asked with a sweet voice and a fake smile. I can act out any emotions when I want to, but normally, it's nothing.

"Yeah, you," she said with a stuck up voice. I smiled and tiled my head.

"I don't understand, what's the problem with me?"

"How do I start this, you have a shitty coat, shitty jeans with a shitty quote, shitty haircut, shitty face, you are overall garbage."

My eye twitched along with my hand. Oh no, that's only when someone insults my mom when that happens. I dropped the act and my face went to a deadpan one. She was taken aback by that.

"Well, I could say the same, vomit fairy. You look like you swam in cat puke for a whole day."

"Oh, trying to roast me huh? Well, your father left you because of that obnoxious voice of yours."

"My father never left me, but your parents never loved you, so that's why you turned to Jack, thinking that he would take you in real life, but that's ever gonna happen, is it," I said while leaning towards her face at the last part. Her eyes went wide and her face blew up with blush. I smirked as she started denying that.

"And, let's not forget that you have a giant crush on him, so that's why you got him the flower crown to say that you love him, but he's going to take it as a gift, not an act of love, now will he?"

Most people around me gasped and most of the boys started 'oh'-ing. Her friend pushed her back like she was in charge and stepped up to me. The people around me were huddled together behind me, waiting for another insult. She was the one who spoke first.

"How did you even get here, I don't see a car?"

"Motorcycle, dummy. Man, can't women my age get even one thing though their skull? It's saddening to see that your friend gave up so quickly, she can't even take one little insult, just. Like. You."

She gasped and the boys around me repeated the same action, while the girls giggled. She came back strong, but not strong enough.

"What's with those shoes? You look like you're going to a mosh pit after this."

"Who said I wasn't going to one? You're not that good with insults, you're just complementing me now."

"Oh, I am? I'm sorry, you look like a pig in the sunrise."

"Now you're reverting to high school insults. Unlike you, I know how to get under people's skin."

"Really, how? With a needle, you druggie?"

"Wow, assuming. I thought Markiplier fans were better than that. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to tell him since he just passed by a few minutes ago."


"No, you assuming little slut."

Her face went red and I continued.

"You probably are like your friend, wanting to get with your idol, but that won't happen because he has a girlfriend. Unlike you, I don't want fame, I want to be left alone, so when your friend had to get up in my personal space, I knew where to hit."

The guys, and now girls, started 'oh'-ing behind me. They died down and I took a fake selfie, capturing her face and outfit in the picture. I then took a real selfie with the people behind me posing for it. I smiled and snapped the photo, saving it and sending it to my friend, saying that I won a roast battle with a couple of fans. They replied with a whoa and I put my phone back. She had hid behind her friend, which was still scared of me. I smirked and stepped up to her. I held out my hand and she took it, still scared for another roast.

"I have to say, you two have potential, but if you weren't so wrapped up with Jack and Mark's lives, then you might become smart enough to roast like me for a change. Now, they're going to open the doors, so get ready."


The doors opened and all of them cheered. The people behind me slapped my back and patted my shoulder, until one guy stepped up to me.

"You are now the roast queen. Here, take this crown to show that you are the queen."

He put a black crown with orange flames on the bottom on my head and I fake smiled, which made him blush.

"The queen must go now. Who knows, I might roast Markiplier or Jacksepticeye. Thanks for the crown." He stuttered out a your welcome as I went in the doors. Yep, today was going to be a good day.

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