Chapter 5

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His cheeks burst with heat as he stood there, shocked. He then slowly took my hand off and turned to me. He first was confused, but then engulfed me in a hug, almost lifting me off the ground. He did indeed lift me off the ground and spun me a little. He set me down and I fixed my crown. He looked at the crown and kneeled down in front of me. I saw Jack's face and he looked really jealous. Mark kissed my hand multiple times and got up. I walked to Jack and waved a hand in front of his face. He was currently glaring at Mark. I glanced at Mark and he was a little scared, but smirking?

I couldn't take it, so I hugged Jack around the neck, making him go rigid. He hugged me around the waist and I could feel his heartbeat speed up so fast. I put my face in the crook of his neck and his heart beat faster. He put his chin on my shoulder blade and sighed quietly. I let go and saw his face, it was lava red. I looked up to see the night sky. Unlike Ireland, there were no stars out. I sighed and Jack tilted his head.

"There are no stars out," I said as he looked up.

"Well, yeah. It's LA," Mark said.

"This is why I miss Ireland. Also the smell of clovers and fresh dew when I ride down roads."

Jack looked at me with wide eyes and I patted his shoulder while walking past him to my bike. I went by it and stuck my bag and flower crowns in one saddlebag, putting the roast queen crown in the other one. I buckled both and turned to see both men fighting over something.

*Sean's POV*

"You stay away from her, she's mine," Mark said through gritted teeth. I had a confused face on as I stepped back.

"Mark, you have a girlfriend, Amy. Why would you cheat on her?"

"She won't know."

"Mark, you've lost it. Just think about it for a second. I don't have a girlfriend, and you do. I would have a better chance with her anyway."

Mark then pounced and tackled me to the ground. He held my arm down with one hand while his other hand was on my throat.

"If you go near her, I will make your life a living hell."

"Mark, get off me. Besides, she likes me more, she gave me a gift."

His hand tightened a little and my eyes widened. He grinned and tightened his hand again. He got close to my ear.

"She can't have you if you're dead," he whispered into my ear, making shivers go down my spine. He tightened his grip around my throat even more, making it really hard to breathe. I had gained black spots in my vision when I saw (y/n) run up to us. I passed out knowing that either I would die, or be saved.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I then saw Mark tackle Jack and put his hand around his throat. They talked and after one revolve, Mark whispered something and I knew that I needed to do something. I ran up to Mark and stopped when I saw Jack gasping of air. My eyes widened as I saw him pass out. I tried pulling Mark off, but he pushed me, causing me to fall.

 I landed on my ass as Mark turned to me. He did a double take and shot up, coming to me with a worried expression. I jumped up and started to back away. Mark stopped and furrowed his eyebrows. He then looked at me, then Jack, then his hands. He ran to Jack and I followed. Mark was staring at him with teary eyes, but I got on my knees and put my ear to his chest. I sighed as I heard his heart beat and Mark sniffled. I got up and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with tears running down his cheeks as I told him.

"He's alive, but why did you do that, you guys are best friends."

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"You were fighting over a girl. I can see it in your eyes and you blushing when I asked."

He turned back to Jack and picked him up. He went to his car and put him in the back seat, motioning me to come with. I walked up and he got in.

"Mark, I have to get my bike home. Here, I'll give you my address so you can drop him off there. But why do you want to drop him off at my place?"

"I don't trust myself. And if I come home with Jack passed out, Felix and Amy will get suspicious."

I nod and hand him my address. He puts it in his pocket and drives away, muttering something. I sigh and go to my bike. I get my helmet on and swing my leg over the seat, kicking the kickstand up. I start it up and hear it purr. I switch on my lights and drive away, going to my 'house'.

I pulled up in the driveway and turned off my bike to hear a car pull up behind me. I wave at Mark and he gets out while I open the door to the house. I step in and walk to the island, setting my backpack on it along with my phone. I hear Mark come in and set Jack on the couch, and I go over to them. Mark turns to me and I hug him, which he hugs back and sets his head on my shoulder. I let go and Mark waves as he closes the door, driving off to his house. I turn to Jack and check his heartbeat. I hear it and feel his chest rise and fall, so I take my ear off of his chest and look at his face. I've always thought he was cute ever since I started watching his videos. I brush some brown hair out of his face (because it was before green) and kiss his forehead. I go to my room and put my pajamas on, only to be met by Jack leaning on my doorframe. I squealed and he covered his eyes, smiling like a goof. I put on my shirt and walked up to him. I lowered his hand and he still had that smile.

"Yes, Jack?"

"Could I sleep with you? I mean i-if you want to."

I raised an eyebrow and he sighed.

"I've been so used to having someone else by me, that I can't sleep at night."

I then noticed the dark circles under his eyes. I walk to the bed and climb in, throwing the covers over me. Jack looked confused, and I roll my eyes.

"Are you getting in or what?"

He then walks to the end of the bed and backs up a little. I furrow my eyebrows until he runs up and jumps, twisting himself so he landed on his back. He lands and bounces up, making me bounce a little. I smile and he laughs. I lay down beside him and turn my back to him. I turn out the light and close my eyes.

I smiled. I really smiled.

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