A Sign of Hope

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Today was a big day for Chuuya and Dazai. It was a day they had been waiting on for months and years.It was a subject that was both sensitive for them. A baby... Dazai was an alpha and Chuuya was an omega, and they had been bonded since they were 18 and they were now 22. Since 20 Dazai and Chuuya had been trying to conceive, they wanted badly to start a family. But they had come to learn that Chuuya was infertile and the possibility of having children or ever conceiving was extremely low. So they turned to the only other option they could which was adopting. At least if they couldn't conceive their own they could give all their love to a child who didn't have anyone. That's why they were standing in the lobby at the adoption agency, patiently waiting for their case worker to get their babies things. Dazai could tell Chuuya was uncomfortable, Chuuya's hands were shaking and Dazai grabbed Chuuya's hand.

"Are you okay baby?"

Chuuya sighed. "What if we aren't ready...?"

"Are you having second thoughts?" Dazai asked worriedly.

"...No I just... What if he doesn't like us? What if we don't do good enough? What if-"

Dazai kissed Chuuya gently. To hush all his worries, and to comfort him. Dazai gently pulled back and he ran his fingers through Chuuya's hair.

"We will be just fine. We are ready, and we can do this. And I know he'll love us." Dazai smiled.

"I'm glad I have you to remind me everything will be okay."

"That's what I am here for." Dazai smiles.

Chuuya and Dazai both heard the buzzer, and the case worker came out with a 6 month old baby in her arms.

"Alright, I've got him." She smiles.

Chuuya smiles and he takes the baby from her. "Oh hello there handsome~ I've missed you Atsushi."

Atsushi cooes happily as he looks at Chuuya.

Atsushi cooes happily as he looks at Chuuya

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"There are all his belongings." She said, giving Dazai his little tiger backpack. "We will be checking in from time to time. And we will let you know when we will be doing those visits but for now, he is all yours."

"Thank you so much..." Chuuya says so thankfully.

"Of course. I am here to make your adoption as easy and happy as possible. If you need anything please call okay?"

They both nodded and they thanked her again. Dazai and Chuuya headed back to their car, and Chuuya was situating Atsushi in his carseat while Dazai put his bag in the trunk. Atsushi kicked his feet happily as Chuuya had finished strapping him in. They got everything settled and they got inside the car themselves. Dazai interlocked Chuuya's hand in his, and Dazai smiled as he looked through the rearview mirror at Atsushi, and then Chuuya.

"Ready to start our life as a family?"

Chuuya smiled happily. "Yeah, I'm ready."

To Be Continued...

A Moment in Time, A Reminder of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now