Not bad for a stinky goblin

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It was the day of Valentine's Day. Thomas was spending it with his friends, and the light sides would be having a sleepover party but what about the dark sides? They weren't invited, of course, because it was a holiday for love and friendship, not lying snakes and trash goblins who only think about buttholes. 

That didn't mean that said party poopers couldn't celebrate on their own! You see, Janus and Remus had developed sort of a relationship. They loved each other and decided to un-openly become a couple. They would pass time together, kiss and whatnot. So it was only natural for one of the creativitwin to want to surprise his snake-lover with a romantic surprise!

But let's be honest. Remus wasn't at all the romantic type. He could've ask advices from his princy brother but asking for help wasn't his type either. He sat down, in his creative corner filled with sketches of gruesome and morbid thoughts to give Thomas and thought long and hard (haha) how he could surprise Deceit.

All sort of ideas came in his mind but he couldn't find the one. The one who would make the Lord of the Lies fall I his arms and kiss him. Remus started listing things his partner in crime liked: Snakes, jazz, yellow, Remus, reeking garbage men, boring books....

And then, a lightbulb fell on his head. Geez, he really had to fix his lamp later. But it gave him an idea! It may sound cliché, but he will write him a love poem! "It's gonna be the best poem Janus will ever read!".

He was so happy about his idea but the first problem rose. What on earth is he gonna write? He needed to think more. He couldn't just say'Roses are red, violets are blue and I love you'! He had to be creative, for Jeffrey's sake! 

It was finally 6pm when an unknowing slimy boi came back to his room, which looked exactly like Thomas's house but with a darker, surreal aesthetic. He was surprised to find no one in the living room, knowing little rascals just loved to come in without permission.

The kitchen's light were open, which was really uncommon because none of the dark sides were good with cooking. Or enjoyed cooking. Carefully, he sneaked to the crime scene to find red all of everything, with the dead corpses of vegetables lying on every inches of the counter. "Good lord, did something exploded in here!?" He muttered under his breath.

"Dee! You're back! Welcome home!" Remus said running from the bathroom to give him a bear hug.

"Oh, I tried to cook a lil something" responded the moustached man after noticing his friend's puzzled look at the kitchen.

"Was it still alive??" It wasn't far from exaggeration. The floors, cupboards, sink and just everything was covered in red sauce.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not a perfect cook. I made you lasagna." It was only then Janus noticed on the table there was two plates with surprisingly good looking lasagnas and a bottle of wine. Thank Odin there was wine because it wasn't the most pleasant of day for him.

They sat down and the small reptilian took a first bite, anticipating it to taste like heaven. I will spare description, but they threw it in the trash. It wasn't even good enough for their worst enemy or a dog, which, is kinda the same depending on the dog.

"I am not going to order pizza." Janus said in a sarcastic tone letting the other know he was lying. Well the fact that he was also composing the number should have been obvious enough but oh well.

In the end, they cuddled and watched Toy Story 4 (even if it's not a romantic movie, who cares! It's Pixar!) while eating pizza in cozy onesies. 

"Hey, Remus?" The man in the Kaa onesie broke the credit's silence.

"Hmmm?" His mouth was full of pineapple pizza

"I absolutely hate you so much." Again, his loving smile too the contrary and showed what he was really thinking.

"I love you too, Jan!" He hugged his boyfriend and suddenly remembered the poem "Oh, I got something for you!"

"I knew you wouldn't.."  Janus laid back awaiting to be amazed.

"Soap makes bubbles, babies shouldn't be shake, you are adorable, my cute little snake!" Proudly recited the dork in a Grinch pajama.

"That's super gross, Thank you." Remus and Janus got closer and cuddled while starting another movie. 

It was not the best written poem, or the most original, but Janus still loved it. While watching his boyfriend he couldn't help but smile at how hard said boyfriend tried to surprise him. Yes, the kitchen was a mess, yes, he ended up paying for the food and yes, it was a pretty stupid poem but overall he had lots of fun. And it was not that bad of a gift coming from a stinky goblin.

Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you liked it and I'm open to requests if you have any idea. I don't write very often but it was fun to write.

Sanders Sides Short Stories Receit (Remus x Janus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz