You are beautiful

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What would you do if your face was hideous? If on the most visible part of your body, there was an ugly stain, that you could never get rid of? What if because of it, you got called mean names? Well, I'm sure you would start to hate your face. So Janus' hate towards his scales were rightly justified.

It's not like he hated himself, but sometimes he did envy the others. He was the only one with some sort of animal trait on his physique. He had the aesthetic of a perfect Disney villain. But sometimes, you don't wanna be the bad guy. Sometimes, you just wish to slay a Dragon-witch too even though you are cursed to BE the Dragon-witch...

But I'm rambling too much. Deceit tried many times and failed to hide his half snake side but he was able to hide his body and he was very careful about it. No one ever saw him without his clothes (sadly for some like an unnamed trash man and luckily for others like Virgil and Roman). This upsetted Remus, the insecure snake's boyfriend.

Everyone knows how the intrusive thoughts imbodiment can be really horny at times and it crushed his feelings whenever Janus would decline. Not the fact that he says 'No', consent is very important kiddos, but more his reasons. Remus was all for self-love or at least to just love his sweet half and had an ultimate goal of making Deceit embrace his scales! It wouldn't be easy though....

One day as Janus finished taking a shower he took a look at the mirror and examined his face. He was used at the sight by now but he still couldn't help but cringe. Memories of all the mean comments he received today briefly crossed his mind. Roman was so lucky. He had everything for himself! People listened to him, he was charismatic, loved and didn't had a disgusting face. Janus wished he could be like the other sides...

He sighed and carefully dressed up making sure to cover everything from his pinky toe to his neck. He also included a scarf and a hat to cover his face as much as possible and was then compelled to lay down on the bed. He didn't knew why, he just felt he needed to wait.

Remus stormed in his room without even a warning and jumped on the bed to hug his boyfriend.

"Oh, hi Remuss-" Janus let out a slight hiss but quickly shut up, feeling now even worse.

"Why the hell are you wearing that much layers? It's hot as my ass outside!" The only answered he got was a shy boy slithering underneath him and burying his face in his scarf.

"Come on, what's wrong babe?" He asked this time with a softer tone and picking his love up to cuddle him.

"I so wanna talk about it. Don't go away."

Remus lifted the man's chin to lock eyes with him and stared with such a serious gaze he looked like a different person (More dangerous but also more trust worthy). After what would have been an awkward silence but was instead pretty comforting, the green man asked quietly while gesturing to the scarf and hat:

"Can I?"

An uncertain nod came from Janus and Remus proceeded to gently take the fabric off of the smaller man's face and then remove the hat. He then gently cupped his face and stroked his scales with his thumb.

"You are beautiful. No matter what you think, you've always been the prettiest in my eyes..." He whispered while looking deep in his watery brown and yellow eyes before leaning in to kiss him on the lips.

When they broke the kiss, Janus started sobbing in his arms while Remus rocked him gently and patted him on the back. After he calmed down, he looked up, smiled and thanked his boyfriend who had always been there when others weren't.

That moment strengthened their bond more than anything and a more developed confiance was set. One night, as Remus was almost falling asleep in Deceit's bed said side finally finished his shower and came out wearing a Kaa onesie. He definitely looked overdressed next to the intrusive thoughts who was only wearing, well, nothing.

"Hurry, I'm tired" he said fighting a yawn.

"Wait. I have something for you." Janus unzipped the onesie and was only wearing loose fitting underwear under. 

From top to bottom, light greens scaled crept on his left side and almost meeting in the middle. They wrapped around his arm like vines and lightly dusted his torso. They made a huge contrast with his face that was now bright red from exposing his biggest insecurity even if he was doing so in front of the man who's been wishing for that days for far long enough

I'm gonna skip the details but, Remus quickly forgot his sleepiness and then had loooots of fun with his snake. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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