Conventional date

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Quick note real fast: of the word is like that it means it's a lie.

Thomas and his friends went to a Convention, this summer. Of course, it implies that Remus, the light Sides and I, your deceitful host Janus went too. It was supposed to be a very fun meet with his fans with a lot of talking, vlogging and buying useless stuff. While Thomas was at his booth signing stuff and making voice impressions we were allowed to wander around the building and buy what we wanted. To only one rule, we had to meet at the entrance of he exhibit hall at 17:00 (5pm).

Roman and Patton were leading us to look at every costume, booth and stuff we could buy. Logan and Vigil were following them closely, discussing boring stuff and Remus and I were left behind, far from everyone. Everytime we suggested going somewhere, Roman would go in the opposite direction! We were walking behind everyone, without a word to say like if they didn't even knew us. 

Remus looked at the ground, tired of walking pointlessly in a huge crowd of people. His stomach gurgled and it only reminded me that we only had a donut for breakfast.

"Hey, bro! Could we go eat something? Im starving!" He whined loudly enough to be heard.

"No we're not! We still have so much stuff to see! We haven't found the Disney princesses yet!" Roman said without looking at us or even thinking about the offer.

Not long enough after we went back to the exhibit lounge. We were all walking through the aisle because Virgil thought he saw a Brandon Urie funko pop."Jan! Look at that!!" I turned around to see my green boyfriend staring at a poster of Ninja Sex Party, one of his favorite bands. 

"Can I have it? Pretty please~?" He turned to face me with puppy eyes.

"Never...." I sighed and bought it. If it makes him happy, it makes me happy too.

I turned expecting to be glared at by a jock-like man but he and the group were nowhere to be found.

"Janus...Where are the others?" Commented Remus after he noticed my worried look.

"I know where they are....."  I accidentally let out my worries in my voice but took a deep breath and quickly regained composure.

"We will go away now, they won't realize we're gone and they will retrace their steps." I suggested with a calm voice this time. Remus only responded with a nod.

We waited for what seemed like an hour and it could've been for all I know. Remus jumped from booth to booth while staying in my vision to talk with the sellers. Not once have I saw any of the sides. Maybe they didn't even noticed that we were gone. Of course they wouldn't notice or even care! We are the lowest of scums! No one would want to ever and with us! Hell, I'm sure they are happy we're lost. Well if it's like this....

"Remus! Let's go. They won't come back. Wanna get out together?" I said seriously for once. Upon hearing my words, the trash man ran towards me and grabbed my arm.

"Let's go eat!!!" He drove me in the gigantic crowd to the cafe located upstairs with the energy of a kid who ate way too much sugar. I chuckled at the comparison.

The first thing we did was eating a sandwich at the cafe then going outside momentarily joining an Avatar: the last Airbender cosplay group. We then walked around the convention center and went back inside to see a fan meet with a bunch of voice actors. Along the way we took many pictures of people with awesome costumes or with equally awesome fans.

Remus and I kept holding hands and laughing at jokes. Now that the boring ones were gone we really enjoyed the time we had. We finally met back with Thomas and the others and went back to the hotel. It was a good conventional date.

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