Chapter One: Missing Master

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Kidara knew she shouldn't be angry. it wasn't like the Jedi to have such emotions. but she truly was angry. Her master had been so vague in his description in her mission, so far away in the force, having completely shielded her from his emotions. she didn't know this many droids would be on the face of the planet—She didn't even know the reason she was on the sand planet in the first place—All she knew was she had to secure the droid base planet-side and confirm security once accomplished. But that wasn't the reason she was angry—no, that was far from the reason. Jedi were trained to be flexible in situations just like hers or worse—she was angry because of the sheer amount of casualties that were taking place on the sand planet. All around her, the clones, her friends, were being murdered by droids. There was little she could do about it besides wield her green-bladed lightsaber and pray her hands didn't tremor.


"You have done well, padawan Leno," spoke Master Mace Windu. "You secured the separatist base and aided in victory to the republic." Kidara was livid. She tightened her fist and stared at her boots.

"If I may, Master Windu," Kidara started, "I can't congratulate myself when I was responsible for the deaths of so many clones. If I had known the separatists would have been so centered on the attack I would have requested assistance from the republic early on in the battle."

"Yes," Master Yoda began. "Many troops lost, there was. Make the mission a failure, it does not, young Kidara."

"Thank you, Master Yoda." Kidara felt grateful for the reassurance, but the guilt of the loss still felt heavy in her chest.

"Padawan, we are concerned your master hasn't come to this meeting." Obi-Wan spoke, stroking his beard. "Are you in contact with Quinlan Vos?"

"No," Kidara spoke, turning to master Kenobi. "He asked me not to bring a commlink on the mission, and his shields have been raised for days now. The last time I saw him in person was the battle on Mandelore."

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. "We will look into his whereabouts and reasoning for isolating you, young padawan. thank you for your report."

Kidara bowed, muttered a small "Thank you, Masters." and turned to leave.

"Wait, Kidara, one more thing—" Obi-Wan started. "Your hands, how are they?"

Kidara took a moment to stare at her hands. The council had fashioned a device to limit the tremor in her hands that occurred when she wielded her lightsaber. At first it was painful, the small pins pricking her nerves with every movement, but now felt quite normal. the small, circular devices laid flat on her palms. "They are shaking less, Master Obi-Wan, thank you for being concerned. However, they still seem to tremor and violently shake in times of anxiety. It has still been an issue in battle, I tend to drop my lightsaber. More often than not."

"Thank you for your honesty, Kidara." Obi-Wan Spoke. "I will personally look into a new solution. You are dismissed, young one."

Kidara began the walk to her shared chambers, sulking.

"General Kidd?"

Kidara looked up, smiling at the nickname. "Hi, Cody. What are you doing in the temple?"

"I could ask the same of you, Kidd. its been ages since you've been back to Corescant." Kidara looked back at her boots, a sigh escaping her lips. "is something the matter?" Cody placed his hand on her shoulder.

Kidara looked up to Cody, but said nothing. Cody could see the guilt and pain of loss in her eyes. When she choked on her breath, Cody instinctively wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. Kidara melted against him, letting her shields drop, even if he couldn't feel it.

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