Chapter 12: Slave Costumes and Sleep

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(A/N: im too lazy to try and draw a slave outfit; so I used, above is Kidaras slave costume for this chapter. Based off of the episode Slaves of the Rebublic, if you're following the storyline)


I am a peacekeeper. Kidara told herself. She truly wanted to believe it, too. Obi-Wan had told Kidara that their conversation on her reckless force-purging was not over, and every moment she spent waiting was a moment filled with dread.

But when have I ever kept the peace? She frowned at the datapad in her hand—a briefing for the next mission she would be on.

Everywhere I go, theres a war to be fought, a battle to be won. An undercover mission on Zygerria, to infiltrate the slavers on the planet. Ashoka and Kidara, respectively, would be playing the part of slaves—a gift for the Queen.

Who am I if I'm not a peacekeeper. Not a Jedi? Am I just another republic asset? Just another soldier?

On Kidaras bed, there was a small box containing the specific outfit she was required to wear to fit the part of a gifted slave. Ashoka was currently in the 'fresher of their shared quarters on the ship, changing into the one she was given.

Anakins 'friend' Padmé had helped the group source outfits to match the identities they would bee playing, since she knew an extended history of culture and dress on basically every planet. She was an extremely stylish senator, after all.

When Ashoka exited the 'fresher, Kidara bit back a laugh. The outfit itself wasn't horrible, and it was quite modest compared to some of the other slave clothing Kidara had seen on the holonet, but it was the color that made Kidara choke on her breath.

"Its turquoise." Kidara spoke flatly, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle her laughter. "Interesting choice on the senators part."

Ashoka glared at Kidara, but her lips still formed a smile. "Go put on yours so I can make fun of you."

"Okay, di'kut." Kidara smiled slyly as she stepped into the 'fresher with her box in hand.

"Jokes on you! I know some mando'a!" Ashoka called after her. Kidara smiled.

When Kidara opened the box, she was relieved to find it was a deep blue, and not the hot pink that Padmé had commented would 'suit her skin tone' earlier. She also found that there was an over-abundance of shiny gold jewelry—something Kidara could appreciate. Kidara hated the slavers on Zygerria, but in a way, could appreciate the stylistic choices they made. Padmé certainly knew that.

Kidara pulled on the outfit, slowly clasping the gold pieces together and sliding on the matching blue sandals that she had seen Ashoka sporting earlier. When she looked in the mirror, she turned red in embarrassment.

"Certainly not at modest as Ashoka's, huh senator?" Kidara grumbled. She would have to make due, however, even if she was starting to become cold.

There was one more item in the box, a small, gold beaded crown that was meant to lie on ones forehead. Kidara undid her messy hair and brushed it, braiding the entire affair and wrapping it into a neat bun at the base of her skull. She draped the delicate crown on her head, slightly less mortified at the results of the outfit she'd most likely be wearing for the next week or so. She ran her fingers against her collarbones, the vitiligo dotting across her shoulder and down her arm. She had tried ignoring the obvious scar that ran down her chest, collarbone to mid-abdomen, but now it couldn't be avoided. She hadn't asked padmé to help her cover it, and now it was too late to do so. She was stuck with the scar, whether the slavers liked it or not. She just hoped she wouldn't face consequences for having it.

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