𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3

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The clouds are dark grey, almost black. Lightning strikes lighting up the face of 2 men. One was Phaeron, however the other wasn't recognized. Yami scans the area and notices 4 other prisoners. None of them look notable in any way until one steps up. "Oi! I don't deserve to be here! Let me out before I show you wha-" the rioter was silenced in the blink of an eye. It was so quick nobody saw what happened. The man that hadn't been recognized was standing directly in front of the man, with a sword in hand. The rowdy delinquent bled out, the blood running through the cracks in the concrete. Right there the man died, Iris stands there, a little scared.
     The unrecognized man would switch his focus onto the rest of the newcomers, "Would anyone else like to speak out of turn..." with the loud silence, he'd continue, "My name is Corzid Bhalnul, I will be the main overseer, any of you try to escape and I will make sure you never see the light of day again." Corzid moves his fingers in a circular motion, as he does so, a purple aura glows on his fingers. He steps up to Yami and slams his hand into him. A mark would move throughout Yami's body and would glow purple, pulsing with dark energy. His body would slump, feeling the magic drain from him. "Go on try to use your magic..." Corzid dares as he smirks. Yami would get up and try to draw a constellation, after the first point he wrenches in agonizing pain. He rolls on the ground trying to get it to stop and yells run rampant. The cruel overseer would wave his hand at him, "Calm yourself, the pain will end momentarily, however, let this be an example," he stares them each down, more intensely than the last, "anyone who tries to use magic will face the same consequences."
     One by one, Corzid goes through, sealing all of their magic. When he finishes he snaps, sending the guards to escort the prisoners to their rooms. Yami is placed in a room with 3 other guys, while Iris and Vortex are placed in a separate cell with 2 ladies. The cell doors would slide close, all locking simultaneously.
     In the middle of the night, the guards would be asleep along with the majority of prisoners. Vortex would sit up and smile getting out of her bed and panning the room. There wasn't much to work with, in the corner, there would be a sink with a barred window above it. The holes were too small for anyone to get through so she'd ignore it. She makes light with her finger and quickly puts it out, clenching her fist in triumph. Iris would be sitting on her bed cross-legged looking at Vor, awestruck. "How can you use your magic, what about the seal," she'd question, examining her closely, even picking up her arm and patting her down. Vortex jolts her arm away and smiles smugly, "I noticed that seal was shadow based, meaning that my light body wouldn't be affected by it. Now keep it down before someone hears us." Iris would shake Vor vigorously, "Undo my seal! Please I'm begging you!" Vortex slaps her and sits her down, "Shut. Up," she'd grumble. "Let's come up with a plan of action, say I do undo your seal.. what about Yami, he's alone in a cell with 3 random criminals. Not much we can do to communicate with him," she'd run her fingers through her hair, thinking, "Not to mention he couldn't use light magic to undo the seal... as of right now I don't see anything we can do that wouldn't get us caught." Iris would plop back down into the bed as she realizes her magic won't be back for a while. "Okay, I have an idea, let's wait for tomorrow's recess and take that chance to speak with Yami, of course, it may be risky with heavy surveillance but that's most we can do currently." Vortex nods and crawls back into her bed. "We have 3 days to do this, after that Blade said he and the others will step in, so let's get this done okay?" Turning to the side and getting comfortable, Iris replies, "Yeah, we won't fail."
     Meanwhile, Yami is lying awake, staring at the ceiling. He is deep in thought when he is interrupted by a soft but deep voice. "Can't sleep huh?" Yami freezes up for a second and hesitantly answers, "Uh- no I can't, sorry didn't mean to wake you." He knew he had done nothing wrong but his royal habits get the better of him. The man laughs and then gets serious, "You won't survive in here with that attitude boy... I can tell you don't belong here, so tell me- what exactly did you do to end up here." Yami considers what to say, should he tell the truth or lie. He would come down from the top bunk and look at the man who was speaking with him. "Can I trust you..." The man sits up and looks him in the eye. "I was part of a gang for 15 years and not once have I told a secret from there, I think I'm trustworthy." Yami nods and despite it going against his usual choice of action he tells him the partial truth. "I was falsely accused of killing a top 10 member and now I'm serving out the sentence." The man lays back down. "Sounds about right for someone like you... the name's Kojiro, I'll show you how things work around here in the morning." Yami nods and gets back in bed. "I'm Yami by the way." Kojiro shifts to face the wall, "I know who you are." Yami would be confused but think nothing of it.

Character Profile
Corzid Bhalnul, the Overseer
Ruthlessness: 100/100
Power Level: 110/100
Speed: 150/100
Intelligence: 97/100
Defense: 60/100

Character ProfileCorzid Bhalnul, the OverseerRuthlessness: 100/100Power Level: 110/100Speed: 150/100Intelligence: 97/100Defense: 60/100

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