𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5

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Prisoners would trickle into the gloomy courtyard. The ground has a tiny shimmer from the rain last night. The workout equipment would be too wet for use. In the middle of the yard, scrawny and smaller prisoners would gather. On the outside, near the chained fence, would be the bigger, stronger prisoners. A couple of fights would break out, nothing too serious. In the corner, Yami would be gossiping about what he had seen to the ladies. "I think I saw... Vinyl." The two girls would do a double-take. They'd recall seeing a white haired man with a young physique, they hadn't thought much of it seeing as the guard hadn't talked to them. They knew it was a possibility in the back of their head but weren't sure, the confirmation from Yami however was all they needed. "Looks like Blade sent him in for back up just in case, I don't know why though." Yami would look around and then back to them, "I need you guys to cause a distraction, I'm gonna do something." He smirks and then goes to one of the guards. The girls look to each other, at Yami, then back to each other and nod. Iris pulls Vortex's hair and punches her, "Stay out of my way shortie!" Vortex would play along and slap her, "Other way around purple haired bitch!" They'd begin fighting and the guards would run over in groups to stop them.
Yami would look back at the fake fight and then goes to a group of guards, "You guys see that viscous brawl? I wonder they'll get a raise for stopping it!" He would smirk and watch the guards run over to stop the fight, he would tap one and stop him from going. "What do you want?" the guard would question him aggressively. Yami would look to make sure no one was watching, and then he activated his eyes, the red color intimidating the guard to step back. "Could you help me sir?" Yami would say innocent like as the guard falls under his control. The guard would be in a trance, his eyes going blank. Yami gives the guard a set of directions and then pulses his eyes. He walks away as the guard goes back to normal and the brawl is quelled. Vortex and Iris would have a few scuff marks on their face and clothes, "You better have done something good." Yami snickers, "Seems like I'm the only one who has done anything significant so far." he'd brag. Vortex lands a hard slap on Yami and then turns around. "Whatever. I'm going to get some information from the other prisoners to see if they know anything." Iris went with her and Yami sat back and relaxed.
The clouds would slowly begin to gather, the courtyard becoming gloomy and signaling the guards to send the prisoners back into their cell.
     It's now midnight, the iron walls were now dark with only moonlight peaking through. A guard walks down the hall, a book in hand. The same medium sized book with a red strap that Yami had seen in the room. Yami sat in the corner of the cell, not sleeping, but anticipating the arrival of someone. Suddenly, a sound catches Yami's ear, "Psst..." Yami turns expecting the guard, instead, he's met with Kojiro. "Yami, I need you to tell me the truth, what the hell is going on?" Yami would hesitate, not knowing what to say when the guard slides the book in. Kojiro walks over to the book, ready to find out the truth when Yami grabs his orange jumpsuit. "Don't touch that book, please..." he pleaded. Kojiro shoves him off and picks up the book, slowly opening it to see the inside contents. Yami nervously tries to yank the book from his hands, pushing him to the ground. Kojiro gets up and kicks Yami's face, making Yami stumble and drop the book. Yami and Kojiro look to each other and then back to the book. As if they knew exactly what the other was thinking, they both ran at it, Kojiro being a tad quicker, as he pushes Yami into the cold, cellar wall and opens the book.
     Kojiro looks at the book, Yami, and back at the book. "How did you get that guard to bring this... did you bribe him?" Yami lies on the spot, "Yes, it was a small price to pay, I need to clear my name." Kojiro sets the book down and goes to bed, "I don't know where you'll go from here. But good luck I guess." Yami would clench his fist and look to the ground. He then picks the book up and gets in bed, looking over it by the crisp moonlight. A cold draft goes through the bars, sending a chill down Yami's spine. He shakes his head and puts the book under his pillow. Little did he know, he was being watched.

     Vortex and Iris were back in their room, still coming up with ideas. "Yami is probably working on this right now. We can't let him show us up." Iris proclaims. Iris checks to see if the other people in their cell are asleep. "I have an idea, but I need you to unseal my magic." Vortex would raise an eyebrow in skepticism. Thinking they've got nothing to lose, Vortex would surround her hands in light, putting them on Iris' shoulders. Iris suddenly feels a slight burn go through her body, she covers her mouth to stop herself from screaming as she is in pain. Vortex pulled her hands away, the seal being gone and her hand's glow dying down. Iris would put her hand out and feel the slime secrete from her finger tips. She goes to the corner of the room and begins making a puddle of it. The acidic properties of the slime would slowly burn a whole through, burning anything and everything it touches. A small hole big enough for a small person to get through would be left from the slime. Iris waves Vortex over, "I need you to use your light to make a clone and go invisible. Once you do that, start looking around. If anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to fight. We only have one more day." Vortex makes a light ball and from it would form a light clone, "Don't let anyone touch it, it's only an illusion of the light, if it's touched there will be nothing there." Vortex then swipes her hands over her body as the light turns her invisible. She does this by refracting the light in a perfect way to make her undetectable.  Iris would hug her and then get back in bed with the light clone. Vortex makes a brick illusion cover to match with the rest of the cell after she leaves.

     On the outside of the dark and gloomy prison would be three hooded figures. The one with the red eyes steps up, "To think we tried so hard to avoid this place, only to realize this is where we needed to go." The short female flicks her hair in a cocky demeanor, "Zell, aren't those people we framed here? If they are then this could spell trouble." Zell was the man with red eyes and a metal arm, his hair was sleek and black, his build was toned. "What did I tell you about calling me by my first name Iyohara." Iyohara was the short girl, platinum blonde locks would run down her back. A scar on her right cheek marks her well. There's something inexplicable about her, maybe it's her cockiness, or perhaps it's confidence. The purple haired female keeps her mouth shut, her name was Umoda, her hair was actually a purple to pink ombré, loosely curled. Her deep black eyes are hypnotizing, her face well-formed. Zell jumps down and makes a hand sign, his index and middle finger stick out while the others are down. A hole opens in the ground, the three jump in and it closes behind them. The patrol light grazing over the area right after.

Character Profile
Zell-Leader of Tikura Skull
Power Level: 100/100
Speed: 86/100
Intelligence: 90/100
Defense: 79/100

Character ProfileZell-Leader of Tikura SkullPower Level: 100/100Speed: 86/100Intelligence: 90/100Defense: 79/100

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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