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The prison would be awoken by yelling and loud banging. "Get up maggots!" one guard would yell. "In your positions!" another would command. Iris and Vortex quickly fix their beds looking at the other two girls in their cell. One girl would have pink messy hair, her physique was slim and average height. The other girl would have short black hair, she would have a little fat on her bones with a very mean demeanor. One by one they'd line up in their cell as a guard looks in. "Hey little ladies, what do you say I take one of you in for some cut off prison time." The rest of the girls would experience the same thing. The guards would say vulgar things and all they could do was stand there. Vortex would clench her fist in anger but then relax. "Go to the cafeteria and eat, make sure to gi-" the man was hit in the back of the head. A female guard would step out from behind him, her hands on her hips. "What did I tell you about harassing the ladies," she'd warn. The guard would cease up and salute, "Sorry Captain Aurin!" Aurin would command him to help with the male prisoners, she'd then walk off. "Thank you ma'am," Vor would call out. Aurin waved and continued on her way.
Yami had himself up already, he was doing push-ups. Kojiro woke up to see Yami exerting himself. "What the hell are you doing," he asked. Yami would move into jumping jacks,  "I'm keeping up my strength." he'd answer with shortness of breath. Kojiro would roll his eyes and then punch Yami playfully, "There is no point in doing that, just relax. When the guards see you worked up, they enjoy it." Yami would stop and wipe his sweat, he'd then hear the yelling guards down the hall, telling them to get up. The other two men in their cell got up and fixed their bed, not paying any attention to the two chatters. A guard would open the cell door and make them step out. He'd then frisk the room and come out, "Go to the cafeteria." The four would nod and head to the cafeteria.
     In the cafeteria, Yami would look around for Vortex and Iris, he spots them and walks over. Kojiro would stop Yami, "Where you going to?" Yami would look down and then back up at Kojiro, he'd then jolt his head over in Vortex and Iris's direction and he'd follow. They'd both sit down at the table with skeptic looks from Iris and Vortex. "Who is this?" Vortex would demand. Yami would look up from his food after taking a bite. "This is Kojiro," he'd explain with food in his mouth. "I trust him, not to mention he knows his way around here." Vortex would sit back and cross her legs. "Well we can't really discuss that while he's here." Yami would consider the possibilities and decides that it's best if he doesn't know. "Talk about what exactly?" Kojiro would query. "Don't worry about it, would it be okay if you say over there for a bit." He'd point to a distant table with other people. "Uh- sure..." Kojiro picks up his things and walks over.
     The three would exchange looks and then scan the room for nearby guards. Once they determine the coast is clear, they begin talking. "Anything good yet?" Yami would ask seeing as he doesn't have anything yet. Iris and Vor would snicker. Vortex would then look around and then lean close putting a finger up and a light appearing. Yami would get ahead of himself and blurt, "What! How?!" The room would go silent and stare at them, Yami being embarrassed would save it. "How... did you get a tampon!" Vortex would angrily stare him down as Yami shrugs and smirks. The room would go back to their conversing and eating. Iris would burst with laughter, "How'd you get the tampon Vor?" Iris would mock. Vortex would pinch Iris and Iris would rub the spot in regret. Vortex would then explain how she broke the seal to Yami, he would get jealous and sigh. "I really thought my arm would be a trump card." Iris shrugs and replies, "It possibly could be, seeing as Vor won't undo our seals." Vortex nods in agreement.
     Yami would change the subject of the conversation. "I think I have a plan for clearing our names and escaping, I'll explain in the courtyard." He waves Kojiro back over and goes back to eating. When they finish eating, they are sent back to their cells with a light frisking to make sure they didn't smuggle any forks, knives, or anything else.
Back in the cell, Yami would pace back and forth. "Kojiro, I need you to distract the other guys." Kojiro would be skeptical of doing it but decide to trust him. With that Yami would got into the corner of the room and activate his eyes. He'd realize his eyes still work and pumps his fist in determination. He'd then look around the area, seeing each room and person, even the tiniest of particles were visible to him. He'd spot a room with books in it, inside would enter Phaeron and Corzid. He'd pulse his eye, reading their lips. Corzid would pull out one book and read the contents of the book aloud to Phaeron. "More crimes have popped up around the country, thanks to our newest recruit however, we've managed to lower the crime in half." He shuts the book and sets it on the table, "Come in, Sergeant Vinyl." A white haired young man comes into the room. Yami would get flustered, making his eyes deactivate. Was that really...
Kojiro would stand behind Yami, thinking he's a bit looney. "Yami, I need you to tell me what's going on." he'd demand. Yami quickly glances at Kojiro and then waves his hand. "Oh- it's nothing." he'd assure him and listen to the sound of the guards call the prisoners out. "Courtyard time!" would be heard all around as the cells open. Vortex, Yami, and Iris, anticipate the incoming operation to justice.

Character Profile
Kuroyami(Yami) Kage
Visual Prowess: 95/100
Power Level: 100/100
Speed: 70/100
Intelligence: 120/100
Defense: 80/100

Character ProfileKuroyami(Yami) KageVisual Prowess: 95/100Power Level: 100/100Speed: 70/100Intelligence: 120/100Defense: 80/100

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