Chapter 3

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Sarawat was in his room arranging the luggage he would use for the trip he was to make that day. There was a knock on the door and seconds later his mother opened it and walked into the room, stopping at the door frame.

"Wat, the breakfast is rea—" the woman stopped in mid-sentence upon noticing the state of the room she had just entered. Clothes and shoes were lying on the bed, books, and files scattered on the floor, among so many other things dispersed around the place. "I see you haven't changed this bad habit of yours." His mother said in a tone of voice that denoted annoyance. "Are you sure you'll be able to pack everything in time?"

Sarawat nodded. "I'm almost done."

His mother watched him pack for a few seconds, still standing on the door frame. "It's almost 10 o'clock, you won't have time for breakfast."

Sarawat stopped what he was doing, and looked at his wristwatch. Indeed, there were only 20 minutes left before Boss's arrival. He returned to his task. "I'll be fine."

Mrs. Guntithanon sighed in exasperation shaking her head and walked to her son, then she started helping him pack.

"You're a hopeless case, you've only been here two days and look at the state of your room. You're too old to be this messy, you're 27 years old for goodness sake," she nagged while folding the clothes and proceeded to place them in one of the suitcases on the bed.

"..." Sarawat simply rolled his eyes without saying anything, focusing on getting his bags ready.

Ten minutes later, the two pieces of luggage that Sarawat would be using for the trip were ready.

"Go have your breakfast, you don't have much time left. I'll stay and sort out this mess," the woman said, looking at the messy room.

"Okay," Sarawat picked up both bags from his bed and started walking out of the room. "Thank you, mom," he said once outside before closing the door and heading for the dining room.

Sarawat went downstairs. When he reached the house's spacious hall, he left his suitcases in a spot around the place and went to the dining room. Once there, he noticed that the place smelled wonderful and found his food already served. He walked to the table and sat down on a chair. He was about to take the first mouthful of his breakfast when the doorbell rang. He clicked his tongue and reluctantly let go of the white porcelain spoon he was holding. He got up from his seat, left the dining room, and walked to the front door. Once there he opened it with some rashness.

"Wat!!!" Sarawat out of nowhere was attacked by a scandalous man's hug. "Good to see you again!" Boss exclaimed, slapping him on the back a couple of times.

Sarawat went static, letting himself be manhandled. Seconds later, Boss let go of him and made a pouty face.

"I see you're still as stoic as usual," his friend said shaking his head in a faked disappointment.

Sarawat let out a scoff. "And I see you're still as quiet as ever."

Boss ignored him, walking into the house without any permission as if it were his.

"So, you're ready," he said as he spotted the bags in the middle of the hall. "We can leave now, right?"

Sarawat shook his head, closed the door, and started walking to the dining room. "I haven't had breakfast yet."

Boss followed him.

When they arrived at the place, Sarawat again sat in his chair and then started to eat breakfast. Boss also sat in one of the chairs in front of Sarawat.

"Won't you invite a friend?" Boss asked with a mischievous smile.

"You know your way to the kitchen," Sarawat replied without interrupting his eating. Boss laughed and shook his head.

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