Day Four; Death of an Ender

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Anti woke up and sighed. Last night still didn't make sense to him. There was a knock at his door so he quickly hopped out of bed, fixed his hair, and slid his shoes on before answering the door.

"ⱼₒₛₕ, wₕₐₜ ₐᵣₑ yₒᵤ dₒᵢₙg ₕₑᵣₑ?" Anti asks somewhat suprised to see JoshDeath standing at his door.
There have been nobody discovery announcements yet...
"ᦔ​𝓲​ᦔ​ꪀ​'𝓽​ ꪑ​ꫀ​ꪖ​ꪀ​ 𝓽​ꪮ​ ꪖ​ꪶ​ꪖ​𝘳​ꪑ​ ꪗ​ꪮ​ꪊ​, ᥇​ꪊ​𝓽​ ꪀ​ꪮ​ ꪮ​ꪀ​ꫀ​ ꫝ​ꪖ​𝘴​ ᦔ​𝓲​ꫀ​ᦔ​," Josh says noticing he had caught Anti of guard. "𝓲​𝓽​'𝘴​ ꪑ​ꪊ​ꪶ​ꪶ​ꪗ​," he quietly adds.
"Cₒₘₑ ₒₙ ᵢₙ," Anti says motioning him in.
Josh enters the room and Anti looks around before shutting his door.

"Dᵢdₙ'ₜ wₑ ₐgᵣₑₑ yₒᵤ wₒᵤₗd ₜₑₗₗ ᵣₑₐf ᵢf ₕₑ ᵣₑₛₚₒₙdₑd?" Anti snaps as Josh takes the laptop out from under his sweatshirt.
"ꪗ​ꫀ​ꪖ​ꫝ​, ꪖ​ꪀ​ᦔ​ 𝓲​ ᭙​ꫀ​ꪀ​𝓽​ 𝓽​ꪮ​ ꫝ​𝓲​𝘴​ 𝘳​ꪮ​ꪮ​ꪑ​... ꪖ​ꪀ​ᦔ​ ꫝ​ꫀ​ ᭙​ꪖ​𝘴​ꪀ​'𝓽​ 𝓽​ꫝ​ꫀ​𝘳​ꫀ​."
"ₕₑ wₐₛₙ'ₜ ₜₕₑᵣₑ?"
Josh nods.
"ₜₕₑₙ ₕₑ'ₛ ₚᵣₒbₐbₗy wᵢₜₕ ₘₐd. ₐₙywₐy, wₕₐₜ dᵢd ₘᵤₗₗy ₛₐy? ᵢ ₖₙₒw ₜwₒ ₚₑₒₚₗₑ wₕₒ ₐᵣₑ wᵢₜₕ ₜₕₑ ₛₒcᵢₑₜy ᵣᵢgₕₜ ₙₒw," Anti says walking up to Josh who had placed the laptop on his desk and had signed in.
"ꫝ​ꫀ​ 𝘴​ꪖ​𝓲​ᦔ​ ꫝ​ꫀ​ ꪖ​ꪀ​ᦔ​ 𝓽​ꫝ​ꫀ​ ᧁ​ꪊ​ꪗ​𝘴​ ᭙​ꪮ​ꪊ​ꪶ​ᦔ​ ꪶ​ꪮ​ꪜ​ꫀ​ 𝓽​ꪮ​," Josh says pulling up the email. "᥇​ꪊ​𝓽​, 𝓲​'ꪶ​ꪶ​ ᭙​ꪖ​𝘳​ꪀ​ ꪗ​ꪮ​ꪊ​, ꪖ​ 𝓽​ꫝ​𝓲​𝘳​𝓽​ꫀ​ꫀ​ꪀ​-ꪗ​ꫀ​ꪖ​𝘳​-ꪮ​ꪶ​ᦔ​ ꪗ​ꫀ​ꪖ​𝘳​ 𝘳​ꫀ​𝘴​ρ​ꪮ​ꪀ​ᦔ​ꫀ​ᦔ​. ꪀ​ꪮ​𝓽​ ꪑ​ꪊ​ꪶ​ꪶ​ꪗ​."

Unknown User;
Reaf, if it would mean getting Death and all you others out we all agreed we would love to help. As I am typing this Deatharrator and Mully are saving our current progress and putting it all onto a flash drive. We are currently located in the shack behind the school you are all trapped in. And I'm glad to hear Death is alive, we all are. 
Good luck to everyone, and we are ready for Diablo when he comes.

"Fₒᵣ ₐ ₜₕᵢᵣₜₑₑₙ₋yₑₐᵣ₋ₒₗd, ₕₑ cₐₙ ₛₑₙd ₚᵣₑₜₜy fₒᵣₘₐₗ ₘₑₛₛₐgₑₛ," Anti says.
"ꪗ​ꫀ​ꪖ​ꫝ​, ꪖ​ꪀ​ᦔ​ 𝓲​ ᥇​ꫀ​𝓽​ ꪗ​ꪮ​ꪊ​ 𝓽​ꫝ​𝓲​𝘴​ 𝓲​𝘴​ ꪮ​ꪀ​ꪶ​ꪗ​ ᠻ​ꪮ​𝘳​ꪑ​ꪖ​ꪶ​ ᥇​ꫀ​ᥴ​ꪖ​ꪊ​𝘴​ꫀ​ ꪮ​ᠻ​ 𝓳​ꪊ​𝓲​ᥴ​ꪗ​. ꪖ​ꪀ​ꪗ​᭙​ꪖ​ꪗ​, ᭙​ꫀ​ 𝓽​ꫀ​ꪶ​ꪶ​ 𝓽​ꫝ​ꫀ​ 𝓽​᭙​ꪮ​ ꪗ​ꪮ​ꪊ​ 𝘬​ꪀ​ꪮ​᭙​ ꪮ​𝘳​ ᭙​ꪖ​𝓲​𝓽​ ꪖ​ꪀ​ᦔ​ 𝓽​ꫀ​ꪶ​ꪶ​ 𝘳​ꫀ​ꪖ​ᠻ​?" Josh asks.
"Wₑ ₛₕₒᵤₗd ₜₑₗₗ ᵣₑₐf ₛₒ ₕₑ cₐₙ ₜₑₗₗ Dᵢₐbₗₒ dᵢᵣₑcₜₗy. ᵢf ᵢ'ₘ ᵣᵢgₕₜ, Dᵢₐbₗₒ ₕₐₛ ₙₒ cₗᵤₑ ₕₑ ₕₐₛ ₜₒ ₚᵢcₖ ᵤₚ yₒᵤᵣ fᵣᵢₑₙdₛ," Anti says.
"᭙​ꪮ​ꪊ​ꪶ​ᦔ​ꪀ​'𝓽​ ᥇​ꫀ​ 𝘴​ꪊ​𝘳​ρ​𝘳​𝓲​𝘴​ꫀ​ᦔ​ 𝓲​ᠻ​ ꫝ​ꫀ​ ᦔ​𝓲​ᦔ​ꪀ​'𝓽​. 𝘳​ꫀ​ꪖ​ᠻ​ ꪶ​ꪮ​ꪮ​𝘬​𝘴​ ꪶ​𝓲​𝘬​ꫀ​ 𝓽​ꫝ​ꫀ​ 𝓽​ꪗ​ρ​ꫀ​ 𝓽​ꪮ​ 𝘬​ꫀ​ꫀ​ρ​ 𝘴​ꫀ​ᥴ​𝘳​ꫀ​𝓽​𝘴​," Josh responds.
Anti laughs knowing this was true. "Cₒᵤₗdₙ'ₜ ₐgᵣₑₑ ₘₒᵣₑ."

Josh turns the computer off and slides it under his sweatshirt. A bell then echoes through the school.

"It is NOW Morning Hours!" Monokuma's voice yells. "Enjoy your free time! And I HOPE no one finds a body!" 
"𝓽​ꫝ​ꪖ​𝓽​ ᭙​ꫀ​𝓲​𝘳​ᦔ​ꪮ​..." Josh mutters before leaving Anti's room.

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