Part 4

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You entered the stadium and was shocked to see tons of people, all waiting excitedly for your battle. This was your first time attending a rap battle so you had no idea what to expect, but this definitely is not it.

You began to shake. You're starting to get scared.

"You can do this," you heard your groupmates silently cheer for you. They clapped you on your back before going to their seats. You proceeded on the backstage and saw some staff doing their things.

"Hey, guys, Zylie is here!" you heard one staff said. They all turned to look at you. There's something in their eyes you couldn't quite understand. Excitement?

"Here, miss Zylie. We'll start in a few minutes. I'll give you some instructions on where to enter later," a young guy said, and if you guessed correctly, he was the stage director.

"Uh... okay. Where's Suga?" You asked and you just wanted to cover your mouth with your hands. Asking it was not bad, but the way you said it is. You asked the question like a child asking where his mother is. With so much longing...

Aigoo... I'm such a goner for that guy, You thought to yourself, mentally slapping yourself for what you said.

"Ah, he's on the other side of the backstage. We don't want you in the same room, just in case you began your battle early," the director said.

You rolled your eyes at him. Was he even trying to make a joke?

When the young guy was done telling you what to do on stage, where to enter, where to exit and some other stuffs, he told you to stand-by.

"Okay, we'll be start. You may enter the stage now, miss Zylie," he said and you nodded.

Heart beating incredibly fast, your hands all clammy, you went up the stage.

"Please, welcome! Zylie!" You heard the MC said and the crowd cheered. You could hear some boo-ing you but the cheers are louder. What the hell? You didn't know you have this many fans.

You stepped out of the curtain covering you and gave a shy wave before remembering that you should be all tough for today. But... how can you look bad-ass? You will see Suga in just a few seconds and you're getting more and more excited.

"Now, let's give it up for... Suga!"

The crowds' cheer this time was more deafening. There were lots of squeals, shouts, chants... You couldn't help but smile. Lots of people sure love your idol. You felt proud for him.

You look at the crowd and saw your members in front, all smiling and giving you encouraging shouts. You smiled at them and looked on the other side. There, you saw Suga's group, BTS. They all look calm and composed, but still smiling. They saw you looking at them and they gave you an encouraging smile.

When the crowds cheered louder, you turned your head and saw Suga coming out of the stage. You couldn't help yourself but admire the guy. He looked so stunning, so swag... He was so handsome. He was smiling but somehow, he was the one who looked nervous.

Suga was nervous?

"Okay, then! Let the battle.... begin!" the MC said, then left the stage.

You held your mic tightly and faced Suga fully. The director said Suga would go first but you don't know if that's a good thing. You might end up not being able to retaliate and that would immediately end the battle declaring you as the clear loser.

"Yo," he began and you felt like you could die right there and then. Just hearing his voice address you...

"Y/N," he continued. Wait, what? Did he just called you by your real name?

"We're in a diss battle, but I'm not gonna rap well. I went here to confess, so I'm not going to repress. Let me tell you, girl, this something I've been feeling. You took my heart the moment I saw you, and there's no going back, never. You know what? I'm scared, I'm really trembling right now. I know you don't know me, but girl I know all about you. Don't think I'm a stalker, 'cause I'm not. I'm just your admirer, hiding behind the mask of a disser.

You know, I won't let you rap today. I'll be owning this stage, shouting my love for you like a prayer, and I'm the chanter. Please lend me, your eyes, ears, your heart. Listen to me intently, understand and feel me.

"Remember what I told you? That you're not good at rapping? That's cause you top the charts in singing. But don't worry, that's not a diss. I think we're just made for this. You sing, I'll rap, the perfect combination as our parted ways collide. You see, I told you to not use your face, your charms to gain some fans, because those traits of yours captivated this poor man. I tried to stay away, to not look and stare at your smile. But damn, girl you make it hard to turn away.

"Y/N, know what? I heard your track. Not just the diss track but the first one, at that. Yeah, you know, you made my day that time. You made me smile like an idiot on a high. You praised me and you thanked me and I couldn't be happier. That's when I knew I should really pull this through. Because then I'll know if I have a chance in you.

"Then, came the diss track and what do you know? The girl I called talentless just proved me wrong. She rapped and slayed and killed the beat. She made me proud just by listening to her treat. You told me you'll bring me down, that you'll cause me my downfall. Girl, you already did, with a single glance and wink. Tell me to kneel and willingly will. You already made me fall so hard I can't stall. My rhymes now are a mess, the effect of this nervousness. Seeing you listen to me is enough to short-circuit me. Please, tell me, what do you think of all these?

"But to wrap this up, I'll ask you just one question. Just answer this onstage, then please let's talk later. My dear Y/N, Zylie, my bias... would you please, please, please, go out with and let's start our story together?"

You stared, open mouthed at Suga. You couldn't comprehend just what happened. Did Suga... just confessed to you? In front of all those people who were also as dumbfounded as you? Whose mouth were all hanging open? Well, instead of his members. You guess they're all in on this.

Suga looked at you expectantly. His eyes pleading. He was still panting from his rap. He did it without muisc, as freestyle as it can get. He fast rap at times, slow rap on other parts... but you don't care if he rhymes or not. What matters now was what he just told you.

Are you going to go out with him?

"Hell, yeah," you whispered and realized you said it without the mic so no one heard you. With shaky hands, you raised the mic and tried to steady your voice before saying, "Yes."

The crowd cheered for you and Suga couldn't help but smile his gummy-smile.

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