Chapter 1: The knock

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Bam, bam, bam, bam! That's all I hear, I swear who ever woke me up is going to die! I rolled on to the floor, I'm glad I slept in my pajama pants last night. I trudged down stairs, grumbling the entire way, and answered the door." Yes?" I said trying not to be to mean," I was wondering if it would be okay if we shot a few scenes here?" Some kid said," You'll have to ask my grandparents." I let him in, he sounded familiar, but I couldn't see. I found my grandmother in the kitchen cooking breakfast," Granny, he wants to know if he could shoot a few scenes here." I said pointing at the kid, I turned around to see that it was somebody I never thought I'd meet, it's Chandler Riggs. Apparently, my grandmother knew who it was and decided to embarrass me," Aren't you Chandler Riggs? My granddaughter loves you! She's got hundreds of pictures of you!" Oh my God! I blushed so red, my face was almost literally on fire. I didn't care if I made a scene, I ran up to my room. I didn't want him to know I knew who he was! I wanted my first impression to make him feel normal! I heard someone walk upstairs and knock on my door," Yes?" I croaked," Can I come in?" I nodded, but remember he can't see me," Sure." I sniffed. I heard my door open, but all I did was burry my face into my pillow," What happened back there?" I tried to say my grandmother embarrassed me, but it came out," Graymo enbarssed may." I heard a small laugh," I'm sorry, what?" I sat up and said," My grandmother embarrassed me." He nodded," How?" I sighed," If I were to have ever met you, I wanted my first impression to make you feel normal, not like I was some obsessive teenage whore, oh my God, I never thought I'd say that." I said blushing," I've had plenty worse happen, trust me." " Like what?" " I've had it all, I've seen girls show up with gifts, girls have straight up asked for me to um... you know... with them, crying, for me to marry them, I've had girls show up at my house before." He said as he blushed. "How about we get you set up for the episode, have you talked to my grandmother about that yet?" I said trying to to get away from the subject, he laughed at me about get away from it though," No, not yet." I nodded," Let's go ask about it." I climbed out of bed walking out of my room," Hey, nice monkey pants, by the way!" I heard Chandler yell," Why thank you, I try!" I yell back and laugh, how am I so comfortable around him already? I walk down stairs, with Chandler trailing after me. Two hours later I'm talking with Robert Kirkman about an audition because an actress quite and the spot needed to be filled," Fine! You can try for the audition, IF you can explain why Lizzie isn't as crazy as most people think." I smirk," Easy, when Lizzie said she could understand the walkers she was talking about why they did what they did, when she said they were like us she was talking about survival, and when Lizzie killed Mika she was trying to show us what she was talking about." Both Chandler and Robert were shocked," NOBODY, not even the cast, has gotten that right before, how did you?" I shrug," It was easy, I wanted to know why Lizzie was saying those things, and I just thought about it." I saw Robert had a script in his hands, he gave it to me." Auditions in an hour." He walked off and I tested out the lines, my audition characters name is Annabella Dixon. Her story's simple, she's an extremely short fourteen years old whom got bullied for about a week before she learned how to fight, she was a shy and quiet girl, but could fight if needed. She's Daryl's daughter, but he doesn't know about her. She's got Daryl's eyes and attitude, but everything else is her mom, she has a baby half sister who was born the day the apocalypse started. She was still only three and a half, but her name is Isabella. Her moms dead, so it's just her and her sister," I said, who are you?" I heard Chandler say, it was in the script," I-I'm An-Annabella..." I backed up and whimpered, he had a 'gun' pointed at me, I was weapon less." Please... don't hurt me... I-I just needed food... my sister and I haven't eaten in almost three days..." he didn't seem so tense after I said that," Where is she? Your sister?" " I'll bring you to her, just lower your gun and let me by." I pleaded and he did, I held my hands up and walked over to my sisters 'bed'. I picked up my 'sister'." She won't make it much longer... she needs food." I whisper, I let a tear slip. He pulled off his 'pack' and handed he a little baggy of granimals and a sippy of Apple juice for my 'sister' and a ham sandwich for me," Thank you." I whisper yell and hug him, he seems tense and surprised, he doesn't hug back at first then hugs us both." I'm Carl, by the way." He says and pulls back. " A-nd scene!" I yell, I hear clapping and turn around putting down the doll we found on the table. " Hey, man! What are you doing in Tuscaloosa?" I hear Chandler say," I came here to surprise you!" I hear a brunette say, he looks so familiar!" Yo, dude, who's the chick?" I heard the same kid ask," Sam, this is my friend Trista." Sam Elica! I extend my arm for him to shake my hand," If you want you can call me Tia or Dash, just not salamander or cricket." Sam shakes my hand, but I get confused looks from both boys." I'll show you the videos for the salamander thing later, but my grandmother calls me cricket and I hate it." I pull my phone out and show them the original salamander video, the one with the ice cream at Ryan's, and then the salamander video with the pudding. After the videos all I heard was laughter," Your officially the best girl friend I have ever had!" I heard Chandler say, so I decided to pick at him," Really? I don't remember you asking me out, or breaking up with Hana." Sam laughed harder and Chandler blushed," Your getting the wrong idea!" I heard him yell, I laugh harder," Ch-Chan-Chandler, I-I'm I'm me-me-messing with y-you!" I on the ground now, clutching my stomach and crying because I'm laughing so hard, you can't even hear me!" There you two are!" I hear someone yell, I'd react but I can't stop laughing long enough to," Okay, what'd you two do to her?" I hear the same guy yell." Nothing!" I hear the boys yell back, I finally calm down enough to stop crying." Look you need to stop lying, the evidence you did something is clear as day!" The mysterious man is obviously mad, I stop laughing now and sit up," I'm fine, they didn't do anything, I was laughing." I push the hair out of my face and see Norman Reedus. I stand up, pick up my phone, and show him the videos and explain the story of Chandler blushing," And that, my friend, is what happened!" I say and take a bow," How come you didn't freak when you saw me?" I gave him a 'are you on crack?' look," I've met Chandler, Robert, and Sam all in a matter of three hours and you thought I'd freak from meeting you?" He smiled," So YOUR the little miss I know the answer that he's been blabbing about?" I nod," And I'm gonna go for the audition later." I heard somebody walk in," Actually the audition is now." I hear Robert say," Are you ready?" I nod," Yeah, let's do this." I pick my script up off the chair and hand it to Robert." I said, who are you?" I heard Chandler say," I-I'm An-Annabella..." I backed up and whimpered, he had a 'gun' pointed at me, I was weapon less." Please... don't hurt me... I-I just needed food... my sister and I haven't eaten in almost three days..." he didn't seem so tense after I said that," Where is she? Your sister?" " I'll bring you to her, just lower your gun and let me by." I pleaded and he did, I held my hands up and walked over to my sisters 'bed'. I picked up my 'sister'." She won't make it much longer... she needs food." I whisper, I let a tear slip. He pulled off his 'pack' and handed he a little baggy of granimals and a sippy of Apple juice for my 'sister' and a ham sandwich for me," Thank you." I whisper yell and hug him, he seems tense and surprised, he doesn't hug back at first then hugs us both." I'm Carl, by the way." He says and pulls back. " A-nd scene!" I yell, I smile and take a bow. I feel somebody come up behind me and give me a hug," Before I hug back I would love to know who's hugging me." I said in a warning tone," Calm down, it's just me, Chandler." I turn around and hug him. I see a flash go off," I'm posting this!" I hear Sam yell," Sam, don't you dare! I don't need people hating on me!" I break the hug and run over to Sam," And why's that?" I feel like I'm going to cry, so I let it show," Two years is enough to nearly break anybody, I don't think I can handle someone trying to break up this friendship too." I tell him," I won't post it." He puts his phone up and hugs me," What is it with you people and hugs? I know you guys work on a Walker apocalypse show." I hug back anyway, and say one last thing," Norman put down the blow horn." I heard metal hit plastic and know he listened," How did you know?" I backed up and turned around," I heard someone pick up a can, I also heard plastic hit a watch, making that can be a blow horn, and footsteps, which sounded to big to be Chandler's and I know Robert isn't childish enough to do that." Norman does a fake hurtful face," Well, missy, you won't be missed by me!" I giggle, and realize just how hot it is in hear and take my jacket off leaving me in a black shirt with love spelt out on white Lacey letters and the O being a skull, and the shirt is short sleeve great. Oh, and I'm wearing black skinny jeans and black leather combat ankle boots that lace up. With my hair in a ponytail, and I have a died single blue streak trough my hair. Anyways!" Do you always look like that?" I hear Sam ask," No, sometimes she wears monkey pants and a Jamaica shirt." I hear Chan answer," Oh shut it, Chandler! No, Sam, I don't. I alternate between a girly look and a tomboy look depending on my mood." He nods," YOU GOT THE PART!!!" I here Norman yell, so I scream and jump up and down and hug everybody." And cut!" I hear Chan say, he hands me my phone back, which apparently he borrowed to record, and so I reach out to get it, but with the wrong arm." What happened?" Uh oh, he's asking about my scars...

A knock at the door, one fan's dream (1)Where stories live. Discover now