Chapter 10: Trouble Maker

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It's been about two weeks since what happened with Hana, Chan's doing a lot better. I check his wrists everyday, no new cuts are appearing and the color in his face is slowly returning a little bit everyday. Everything is better between Chan and I, he talks more and we've started acting like a couple, even gone on a few dates. Although he still hasn't popped the question, I still get jealous when a girl asks for a kiss or a hug. Speaking of the doofus, here he his," Hey, babe." He greets me with, he kisses my cheek and then hugs me. I hug back. While I'm sitting on the couch he gets on one knee, what is he doing?! He pulls a small red velvet box and opens it," Tia, I've loved you since the day I met you, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I was crying, I nodded," Of course, Chan, I love you too." He pulls me to the floor and kisses me, I kiss back and pull away. I rest my forehead on his and look into his beautiful turquoise eyes, there so beautiful." Weren't your eyes blue-grey?" I giggle," My eyes change colors." He looks shocked," What's next, you only have a fraction of your fingers." I laugh," Actually, I do." I hold up my right hand, my middle finger ends at the third joint, he cringes," How?" I shrug," It runs in the family." He nods," What makes them change color?" " My emotions." He nods," That... is weird... strange child... walking mood ring." I giggled," I know." I heard him mutter something as he left my trailer," My girlfriend is a d*mn mood ring." I just shook my head and smiled," Love you too, Chair." I hear them call me to set, I jump up, grab my fake weapons, and head to set," Hey mood ring!" I hear Chan call," Hey, Chair." I heard everyone laugh," Mood ring? Chair?" I heard a really unfamiliar voice call out, I turn to see an unfamiliar kid." Hi?" I didn't know how to react," Oh, I'm Mingus, Mingus Reedus." I smiled," Hey, Mingus, I'm Trista, aka, mood ring, or Tia." He laughed," What makes you a mood ring?" I smirk," My eyes." He looked confused," They change color according to my emotions." He nods, but leans in, he tries to kiss me. I back up and put my hand up, Mingus ends up kissing my hand," Sorry, but I have a boyfriend." He backs up," And?" Mingus questions," I love him." He smirks, grabs my hips, and pulls me to him," We both know that I can do way better than him." I try pulling away," Let me go! I don't like you! I don't even know you!" I struggle to get away," Chandler! Help!" I do my best to get away, I see Chandler walk over," Please help me, he won't let me go." I cry, Mingus tries to kiss me yet again," Please, Chandler, help!" He stalks over and punches Mingus. I run away from Mingus, get behind Chandler, wrap my arms around him, and cry. Chan turns around and hugs me," We need to find Norman." Chandler nods, he let's go of me and grabs my hand. It took five minutes, but we found him." NORMAN! CONTROL YOUR SON!" I tolled him, he turned around and saw my grey eyes, they turn grey when I'm mad," Your your eyes, there gray..." I gave him a death glare," Yeah, they do that when I'm mad." He backed up," Control your son, he tried to kiss me twice, and he forced me to stand extremely close to him." He nodded," I'm sorry about him, Trista." I nod and walk away. Chandler and I walk towards the area we're doing are scene and apologize for being late,"Just do the scene, I'm already having problems with Mingus flirting with every girl he sees." I nod and get in position.

Character mode

Annabella's POV

Ah look down at the blade in mah hand, it's just too hard tah pass up. Bloods everywhere, ah scream an' realize what ah've done. I hear someone yellin' for me tah let em in, ah try to, but I fall out before ah can get to the door. Slowly everything fades tah black...

Carl's POV

I hear a scream from upstairs so I go to investigate, I notice that blood is seeping out from under the bathroom door, I keep screaming to be let in but my screams do no good. I try to bust the door down, but I hear a body crash to the floor. I run outside and find Daryl," DARYL! HELP! SOMEONE IS BEHIND THE BATHROOM DOOR AND THEY PASSED OUT!!!! I THINK IT WAS ANNABELLA!!!" He jumps up and goes to the rescue. After what seemed like forever he got the door open. There she was... her beautiful face with no color, her clothes stained in blood, her perfect hair matted and caked with blood, her wrists forever scarred with markings from the razor at the tips of her small delicate fingers. I took action, I found a sewing kit, alcohol, and a rag. I put the alcohol on the rag and cleaned we wrists. I quickly sewed them up, although I was carful, and ripped my shirt to pieces. I wrapped her wrists tightly yet carefully. She looked so pail... I noticed that within a few minutes her skin started looking rosy, I felt her forehead. She was burning up, I picked her up and put her in the tub," DON'T JUST SIT THERE, HELP ME!" I yelled at Daryl, all he's done is sit there and cry since we found her in the state she was in. I got him to help me pour cold water on her, we soon got her back to normal. We had to let her stay in her cold wet close to keep her body heat normal, but she was okay. Still passed out, but okay.

Normal POV

Tia's POV

I jumped out of the tub and ran for my trailer," COLD! COLD! COLD! COLD! COLD!" I yelled all the there, I ran for the heated shower in the back and jumped in, my clothes were wet anyways. I sighed in relief as the water hit my frozen skin. After I heated up I changed I to my warm clothes and found Chandler. I got rid of the fake blood, the fake stitches, and the wrap around my wrists. I found him in his trailer," Hey, Mood Ring." He greeted him," Hey, Chair." I hated him calling me that, an I knew he didn't like being called Chair." If you stop calling me chair I'll stop calling you mood ring." " Deal." I went and raided his mini fridge, I grabbed a bowl of ice cream, strawberry of course, and plopped beside him, well I actually totally missed and landed on him, but I was to lazy to get up." Comfortable are we?" I continued eating, but nodded yes, I actually am. He looks at my ice cream then me, he gave me a pleading look. I scooped a big spoonful, ate half of the spoonful an fed Chandler the rest. When we finished the bowl I put it in the sink and sat on Chandler again, I kissed his cheek, grabbed a controller, and joined the game. He was playing Minecraft on his xbox360, I'm not the best but I know the basics. I spawn killed Chandler a few times and disappeared and hid for the rest of the game, well until I saw herobrine and through my controller at the tv. I'm kidding, the batteries died and I had to stop playing," I love you, babe." I heard Chan say," And I love you, babe." I tolled him. I smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder. I heard the door open but didn't think much of it, people always come in his trailer. I look up and see Mingus looking down at me," Hey, baby, why're you hangin' around this looser when you can be around me?" He winked at me," Sorry, Mingus, I don't like players or flirts, besides I'm with my boyfriend." He glared at me, yanked me up, and forced me to kiss him.

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