Chapter 11: Tears

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I try my best to pull away, fight him off, something, but I couldn't. I heard a couch move, and all of a sudden I was free. I was crying," Why, Mingus? Why did you do that?" He smirked," You know you liked it, I felt you clawing at me." " I was trying to get away, I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" I shouted at Mingus, he just kept that smug smile of his on his face, I heard the door open." I swear that better be you, Norman!" I yelled, I turned around and it was. He was holding back Chandler, I felt somebody come up behind me and grab my butt. I turned around and gave him a hard punch to the face, glad it was Mingus I punched." Why the h*ll did you punch me?!" I gave him a death glare," YOU TRIED TO KISS ME, YOU PULLED ME ONTO YOU AND TRIED TO KISS ME AGAIN, TRIED TO GET ME TO CHEAT ON MY BOYFRIEND WHO WAS SITTING WITH ME WHEN YOU ASKED ME OUT, THEN YOU FORCED ME TO BE KISSED BY YOU, AND YOU GRABBED MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard a body hit the floor, I turn around and see Chandler on the floor and Norman stalking over to his son. I run over to Chandler, he looks up into my eyes with fear," Your eyes... there red..." I sigh," I know, they do that when I'm this mad." I get down on the floor beside him, but he just backs away." I'm not going to hurt you, Chan... Am I really scaring you that badly?" He nods, I reach out to hug him but he raises his arms like I'm going to hit him. I crawl over to him and wrap my arms around his torso," Baby, I'm not going to hurt you..." I whisper, I'm not mad anymore, I'm worried about Chandler. I see that Mingus is being drug out of the trailer and Norman is trying not to yell at him. I slowly see Chan lowering his arms, he seems rather tense. I decide to give him a back massage, I start of slow and gently, but by the time I'm done he's had it all happen." Thanks, Tia, your the best." I nod, I look at Chandler," Are my eyes still red?" I ask him, he shakes his head," No, there a grey, almost blue-grey." He whispers. He's still scared. I can understand why, his last girlfriend abused him. I can see that he's covered his scars, I don't blame him. I stand up and help him up," We have an interview in about two hours, we need to get ready." He nods and walks off, so I do the same. I decided to wear black skinny jeans, a white, this is what I call it, hippy shirt, a jean half jacket, and a light brown ankle boots. When Chandler had shown up he was in a blue and red plaid shirt, black jeans, and blue nikes. We left hand in hand, Norman was driving us, my problem with this? Mingus was going with him. When we got to the car I noticed that Norman was in the drivers seat, the passengers seat was filled with a suitcase and an overnight bag, and the Mingus back seat sitting in the middle. I see him smirk, Chandler opens my door for me," Thanks, babe." I say, I kiss his cheek and climb in. He closes my door, goes around, opens his door, climbs in, and closes it. I turn to Mingus," Don't you dare try anything on me, Mingus." He just gives me an evil smile," Whatever, babe." I give him a death glare," Don't call me that." I feel something touch my thigh, I look down and see that Mingus' hand was there." Get your hand off of me now, I WILL hurt you if you don't." I say through gritted teeth. He just smirks and brings it from my lower thigh to the middle part of it," THAT'S IT!" I grab his hand and crush the two outer fingers as close as possible," When I tell you to stop, you better stop, when I tell you to leave me alone, you better leave me alone. Do you hear me?" He whimpers and nods. I let go, I see that we're pulling into the parking lot. I climb out of the car and wait for Chandler. I see Norman climb out and wave me over, so I walk over." Yeah?" He sighs," I'm sorry about him, he needs to learn not to flirt with everybody. Please bear with him for about two more days, he's only here till Sunday." I nod," I'll try, just please keep a close eye on him and don't let him near me. All I can say is that if he gets to close don't be surprised if there's a trip to the hospital. If this keeps up I'm filing a harassment report on Mingus." He nods this time," I'm sorry, Trista, I didn't know he was this bad." I give him a small smile," It's fine, Norman, I can handle it." I give him a hug and run back to Chandler. We grab each other's hands and walk in. Today we're being interviewed about my backstory and then Chandler's abusive relationship." Should we go public?" I ask him," We can." I nod. We're being called to hair and make up, so that's were we go. When we reach it we're separated, they curl my hair and do natural make up, sort of. You can tell that I have brown eyeshadow on, but other than that it looks natural. They leave my hair down, but it looks beautifully curly. When I see Chandler he doesn't look any different, well he got the tangles out and it's his normal hair style, but still. We're called on set, here we go... "And here they are, ladies and gentleman, Trista Ryan and Chandler Riggs!" ( A/N: this is a made up talk show.) I walk out with Chandler, hand in hand, we wave to the crowd and camera's." Arthur, how've you been?" I ask, we hug and I sit down, and Chandler does a bro hug with him and sits," I've been good, how about you?" I nod," A lot better." He nods," So what's your story? I believe we've all been DYING to hear it." I cringe when he says dying, horrible memories. I shift and begin," Well, I've never been what most people think white girl normal is. I love scary movies, I've watched them since I was a-" Arthur is so rude!" You watch scary movies?! The proof!" I smirk," HIT THE LIGHTS!" I yell, the lights go out almost instantly, and I start singing," One, two, Freddie's coming for you... Three, four, you better lock your door... Five, six, you better grab your crucifix... Seven, eight, you better stay up late... Nine, ten...... Never sleep again......" I sing," HIT THE LIGHTS!!!!!!!" I scream as I feel something or someone grab me, they do and it's Chandler," Oh, quit being a baby, Chandler, it was just a song." He slowly crawls back into his seat." Never do that again, that was f*cking creepy." I hear him tell me, I laugh," I love creeping people out, wait where's Arthur?" I get up and look around the on screen set, I look up and see him hugging the chandelier, WAIT!! THE CHANDELIER?!?!" Why one earth are you on the chandelier?" I ask him. He gulps," Your are one creepy child." He tells me," Would you mind getting down? I'm not finishing the interview up there, sorry, I'm scared of heights." He nods and swings the chandelier and lands on the cross walk, I sing the song Chandelier, but I kept being interrupted by people telling me to shut up, but I finish." Never, EVER, do that again." I hear them say at the same time, I laugh," No promises!" We continue the interview, I tell them the basics about myself my favorite color, favorite food, I tolled them my bullying past." So they really called you and your best friend lesbians and that you were dating?" I nod," Yeah, it was horrible. That was in the sixth grade that happened, last year, in the seventh grade, they thought I was dating my best guy friend and my best girl friend, at the same time!" He looked shocked," That's horrible! Wait, did you just say 'last year, in the seventh grade...', I heard you correctly right?" I nod and shrug,"Yeah, I'm a year younger than Chandler, but as for the bullying thing, It's fine though, I'm going back to make things right though." He nods," How?" I smile," I'm going back to my old school, I'm going back to make an anti-bullying music video, I'm not going to be singing in it, but I will be helping make it." The audience started clapping, so I smiled even brighter. I looked at Chandler and he nodded," But that's not the only announcement we need to make." He started," Don't tell me, your pregnant." My eyes widen," No! I'm fourteen, we're dating, not becoming parents." Arthur laughed, but Chandler looked mad, oh boy..." What kind of kids do you think we are?!" I griped Chandler's hand," Chan..." I cooed, he needed to calm down, he sighed," I'm sorry, Arthur, I just don't like the idea of...that..." I nod, I lay my head on his shoulder. We continued the interview, well Chandler did, I just sat there comforting him as much as possible. I tuned back in to the conversation when he asked a rather touchy question," Is it true you went into the hospital?"Arthur asked, he nodded," Yeah... I made a huge mistake that lady scars that will always remind me of it..." I looked at him," Baby, what are you doing?" He takes a deep breath," There going to find out eventually, they might as well know now, I'm getting it over with." Arthur looks confused," What over with?" Chandler gulps and turns his arms over," This... is why I was in the hospital." Everyone gasps, including me, I can't believe he tolled everyone about his mistake..." Who caused this?" He looked into the camera," Hana Hayes caused me the pain that brought me to this, she bruised me and beat me when we did see each other, I didn't break up with her sooner because she threatened to track me down and kill me." Arthur saw that he couldn't take anymore of it so he ended the show," And that, ladies and gentleman, concludes our show for tonight! Good night, everybody!" With that Chandler's face just dropped and he busted in to tears...

A knock at the door, one fan's dream (1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora