Chapter 14: A knock at the door, one fans dream

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We had a meeting after work, but I wasn't about to leave Anna by herself. I brought her with me, and apparently it was a good idea." I bet your all wondering why I asked you all to meet today." There were a few mumbles of yeahs and yeses." Well, as you know, in the next episode Carl and Annabella find a little girl and take her in as there own. We need a little girl to play her part." Anna started jumping in her seat," Mommy? Please? Please?" I sighed," It's a yes from me, but go ask daddy." She jumped down and ran to Chandler." Did she call you mommy?" Andrew asked, I nodded," Did she just run to Chandler after you tolled her to ask her daddy?" I nodded, all eyes are on me," I adopted my sister, well Chandler and I did." They all nodded," I'll let you try for the part, IF you give me a BIIIGGG hug!" I heard Chandler exclaim. I looked over just in time to see Anna give Chan a hug. I looked at my little girl, I just love her." So, we've got one little girl to try out." I know she can read, she's a smart girl." Can I try out the lines for the audishoon?" He asked Robert, he nodded, clearly shocked. She grabbed the packet politely as he handed it to her. We walked to the set it would be shot at and began.

Character mode.

Annabella Dixon's POV

Carl and I were walking through the woods when we found a little girl," What's your name?" She whimpered and backed away, I looked over to see Carl had his gun raised to her head," Carl!" I scolded," She is just a little girl!" He lowered his weapon. I put all of my weapons on the ground and kneeled down in front of her." It's okay, we aren't used to finding people who don't want to hurt us." She nods, she tries to stand, but she falls back down with a small cry. Her leg looks completely broken, I put my weapons back in there holsters and picked up the poor kid." My names Ava..." she said weakly before passing out.

Normal POV

Chandler's POV

I can't believe she's such an amazing actress at such a young age." You did great honey!" I called out to her," We don't even need to send out auditions! We already have out little Ava!" Robert called out." I can't believe it, my little walker slayer.

Tia's POV

We should post a family picture on IG." Chandler suggested, I agreed and so did Anna. It was us at the forest over by the pond with Anna on the rope swing, me about to push her on the swing, and Chandler taking it with us photobombing him. After he posted it his phone started blowing up with likes and comments. I read the comment he had posted along with it.

It read: A break from work with my amazing girlfriend and my beautiful daughter. ( btw, I'm serious guys, Trista and I adopted her.)

I smiled and gave him back his phone," If you want you can read some of the comments they wrote." I decided to, I'll only read four of then.

1.) EW! You can do so much better than her Chair! Dump her b*tchy *ss and date me! Plus, we could have an even better kid than what you and you ugly girlfriend call a good kid!

2.) OMGGGG!!!!!!!! You guys r so cute together! Your daughter is so pretty!

3.) I can't believe you stooped even lower than Hana! She is a talentless b*tch that's using you for money and fame! She even made you adopt a sorry *ss kid!

4.) I can't believe it! Our Chan Chan is growing up!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 first a new girlfriend and now a little girl?! They are such an amazing family, I can't contain the feels this gives me!!!!!!

I stopped there, but I did catch a glimpse of the silly ship name for us. There using #Chansta for us. I can't believe it, there already shipping us. I look up and see that Anna is being pushed on the swing by Chan. I really love him, but I know that we won't be able to act like a teen couple because of Anna. I really love her, but sometimes I just want to be a teenager, I gave up my childhood for her's to be protected. I feel my phone beep, it's a text from Lauren.

T-Trista L-Lauren

L- Hey, boo

T-Hey, L

L- Can I keep Anna this weekend?

T- Idk, I'll have to get back to you on it. Chan's gotta have a say in this.

L-Kk, txt me wen u find out.

T-Will do, I'mma ask Chan soon.

End convo

"Hey, Chan, Lauren wants to know if Anna can stay with her this weekend, is that okay with you?" He nods," Of course." I shoot her a text saying that she could. After that we head to Chandler's car, my baby turned sixteen this morning! During his break he got his drivers license, so he's driving us home. When we get there I ask him to stay awhile, he does." Chandler, we need to talk." He looks worried but encourages me to go on." I'm going to let you have my heart, I'm going to start opening up to you. This is hard for me to do, I have trust issues because of my past." He smiles, nods, and hugs me." I need to do the same." I hug back. I pull back and look into his eyes," I can't believe this all started with a knock at the door, one fans dream... actually any fans dream."

End book one

A knock at the door, one fan's dream (1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin