Part 4 Ellie's Old Friend

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They exit the ship "so this plan what are we doing exactly" Y/N says "well I've hated Byzantium for a long time and I want to watch it get destroyed" Ellie says "and what does this have to do with rapditons" Y/N says "well outside of Byzantium, Rapditons hunt so if we blow up one of Byzantium's and we shut their power off they are defenceless and they are easy pickings for the rapditons" Ellie says "so you want to destroy an entire city, killing everyone in it too" Y/N says Ellie nods "Awesome let's do it" Y/N says high fiving Ellie.

"But it is going to be hard to pull off so we're going to have to get one of my old friends to give us something to sneak in and shut the power off and blow the wall up" Ellie says "ok let's go find her and ask her to help" Y/N says "yeah that's the problem I haven't seen her in years so I don't know if she'll help" Ellie says "well we'll worry about that when we get to her house" Y/N says "yeah you're right, ok, she lives up north from Edgewater" Ellie says "ok let's go" Y/N says, they then start walking to go find Ellie's old friend.

(Time skip)

They arrive outside Ellie's old friend's house "This is her house, huh the doors open" Ellie says "yes strange" Y/N says they both look around before entering the house "oh shit" Ellie says "what" Y/N says running to Ellie, Ellie points to a couple of dead rapditons "you don't think they got her do you" Ellie says before Y/N has a chance to answer they hear noises coming from inside the house.

Y/N pulls out his shotgun and Ellie gets her pistol ready they enter the house instantly they are hit with a rotten smell "uh what the fuck is that smell" Y/N says "I don't know but we'll find out" Ellie says they walk around and they see blood all over and everything is scattered on the floor "Ellie I'm sorry to say but I don't think your friend is here" Y/N says "we have to keep looking" Ellie says they keep walking through the house and they find more rapditons bodies.

They walk up the stairs and there are scratch marks on the walls as they're walking up the stairs they hear crunching noises they quietly walk up the stairs and when they get up the stairs there's a giant rapditon eating a corpse Ellie gets a glimpse of the corpse and it's her friend "it's her" Ellie says "what who" Y/N says "the corpse it's my old friend" Ellie says she starts crying "Ellie it's ok" Y/N says hugging Ellie.

Suddenly the rapditon turns around and sees Ellie and Y/N it roars at them "oh shit" Ellie shouts the rapditon charges them "Ellie watch out" Y/N says pushing her out the way the rapditon smashes into Y/N smacking him into the wall.

Y/N groans in pain the rapditon roars again and starts walking to Y/N "you want a fight bring it then motherfucker" Y/N says shooting the rapditon in the face it roars and charges him suddenly Ellie jumps onto it's back and starts stabbing it the rapditon roars in pain then it throws Ellie off it's back Ellie then hits a wall.

"ELLIE" Y/N shouts "Motherfucker" Y/N shouts he then starts shooting it again the rapditon turns around and spits some acid at Y/N but he dodges it then he tries shooting it again but he has no more ammo "fuck I'm out of ammo" Y/N says the rapditon roars then starts running at Y/N, Y/N jumps over the stairs and the rapditon smashes through them.

Y/N starts quickly looking around for something to finish the rapditon off with and he sees some grenades "perfect" Y/N says running to the grenades but the rapditon jumps down in front of the grenades Y/N backs up into a corner and the rapditon walks slowly toward him Y/N picks up a knife and he throws it at the rapditon but it does nothing the rapditon roars in Y/N's face.

"Well I guess this is the end I always hoped for my death to be awesome like me and Ellie fighting off an entire hive a mantisaurs" Y/N says the rapditon is about to finish Y/N off when Ellie suddenly shouts "hey fuck face" the rapditon turns around "eat this" Ellie shouts she pulls the pin of the grenade and throws it in the rapditon's mouth.

"Get down" Ellie shouts Y/N takes cover and the rapditon explodes and blood and guts hit the walls Ellie walks back to Y/N "need a hand" Ellie says helping Y/N up "thanks for the save" Y/N says "you're welcome" Ellie says "I'm also sorry for what happened to your friend" Y/N says "it's ok" Ellie says "ok so what now" Y/N says "well I guess we just look for something that can help us I'm sure she'll have something that she left" Ellie says "ok I'll look" Y/N says.

They then start looking for stuff that can help destroy the wall and bring down the defenses down.

Ellie looks on the ground floor while Y/N looks on the top floor Y/N finds a bunch of broken electronics "all useless broken shit" Y/N says he then walks over to Ellie's dead friend and he searches her and he finds a device that could help them lower the defenses "nice a destructor thanks for this" Y/N says.

Y/N returns back downstairs and Ellie's found some explosives that'll break the wall down "did you find anything" Ellie says "yep" Y/N says showing Ellie the destructor "nice" Ellie says "what about you" Y/N says "got some C4" Ellie says "cool, should we get going" Y/N says "there's one more thing I need to do before we leave" Ellie says "oh and what's that" Y/N says Ellie just looks at Y/N and Y/N knows straight away "ok I'll wait outside" Y/N says.

Once Y/N leaves Ellie walks back up the stairs and walks to her dead friend's corpse she sighs then she takes her badge off her shirt and she places it in her dead friend's hand then she closes her hand "sleep well old friend" Ellie says she then exits the house and her and Y/N make their way back to the ship.

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