Part 5 Byzantium's Fate

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They get back onto the ship and they place all the items on the table and they start making stuff to get prepared for taking down Byzantium Ellie makes her armor stronger and Y/N makes his armor stronger too they the start putting the C4 and the destructor in separate backpacks.

Once they've done that Y/N get's Ada to set a course for Byzantium again "captain I've noticed you're planning for something big" Ada says "yes Ada me and Ellie are going to take down Byzantium" Y/N says "huh sounds dangerous" Ada says "yes it will be, but Ellie's parents are going to pay for what they did" Y/N says "course set for Byzantium captian just waiting for your command to launch" Ada says "oh thanks Ada" Y/N says.

Y/N goes to check back on Ellie and she's sitting down looking at a picture of her and her parents together "I didn't want to do this but you forced my hand" Ellie says she then places the picture on the floor and stamps on it smashing it she then looks up and sees Y/N standing in the doorway "we're ready to launch if you are" Y/N says "ok yeah I'm ready" Ellie says.

She then walks over to her assigned seat and straps in, Y/N then walks over to his seat and straps himself in as well then Y/N flicks the switches on again "ok Ada ready for launch" Y/N says he then moves the thruster up and the ship starts travelling to Byzantium again.

(Time Skip)

They get to Byzantium and they take the backpacks and they exit the ship "take one more look at this place because once we've blew up the wall and lowered the defenses all hell will break loose" Ellie says "ok so where do we go to lower the defenses" Y/N says "up there" Ellie says pointing to a tower "shit that's high" Y/N says "yeah" Ellie says "ok so I lower the defenses and then I'll meet you at the wall then we blow it up yes" Y/N says "got it" Ellie says.

Ellie then starts making her way to the wall and Y/N runs over to the tower then he starts climbing it Y/N Ellie starts talking on the radio "ok I'm at the wall" Ellie says "good just plant the C4 I'm almost at the top of the tower" Y/N says "roger that" Ellie says.

Y/N gets at the top of the tower and he quietly sneaks around the side he sees a guard sleeping in a chair inside the tower Y/N sneaks up behind him then chokes him out he then snaps his neck.

"Ok I'm in had to take out a guard" Y/N says I the radio "ok just place the destructor on the power box and it should lower the defenses" Ellie says "ok" Y/N says he then places the destructor on the power box then the power starts to drain "it's working" Y/N says "nice now just get to me and we'll blow this shit up" Ellie says "ok I'm heading back now" Y/N says.

Y/N turns around and there's a guard pointing his gun at Y/N, Y/N puts his hands up "Don't shoot" Y/N says "turn around slowly" the guard says "ok" Y/N says he turns around slowly then quickly grabs a cup on the desk and throws it at the guard and the guard gets hit by it then Y/N whips out his shotgun then shoots the guard in the head killing him.

Y/N quickly exits the tower but then realises there are guards surrounding the tower they open fire and Y/N quickly get back inside "ok Ellie change of plan blow it up now" Y/N says "wait what" Ellie says "just do it" Y/N says "ok" Ellie says the wall then blows up.

Y/N hears gun fire and screaming he looks out the tower and sees that shit ton of rapditons flooding inside the guards try and fight them off but they get overrun and the rapditons are tearing the city apart "yes it worked, Ellie you did it" Y/N says Y/N gets no response but static "Ellie" Y/N says again still nothing "shit" Y/N says, Y/N is about to leave the tower when someone taps his shoulder Y/N turns around and it's Ellie.

Y/N hugs her "oh my god I thought you were dead" Y/N says "everyone thinks that now it seems" Ellie says "I'm sorry" Y/N says "it's alright now last thing I want to do is go visit my parents and make sure they get what they deserve" Ellie says "ok let's go" Y/N says they then start leaving the tower and start sneaking around Byzantium to get to Ellie's parents house.

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