Long Time No See

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Ok so helloooo there! In the middle of writing this chapter my cat sat on the key board and deleted half of it because I did not realise what was happening until it was too late... (and then I rewrote it of course) so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter that I had avoided writing for awhile!

Keefes POV

 " Hey there Bangs Boy" I try to put on a convining smirk, I raise my hand in an attempted greeting but wince against the shakles and rest my bloody hand back on the cold stone. Tam stands still for a moment before he whirls around to my mom.

" What do you think youre doing! Thats your son! And my.. my friend! And you expect me to torture him!"

" Wow hold up torture? I mean I guess I saw it coming but I gotta say not the mother, son bonding time I had in mind." I joke trying not to let the terror I'm feeling show on my face. Tam looks back at me, my voice catches when I meet his eyes again, they look like melted silver mixed with moonlight reflected on an ocea- no, bad keefe, this is NOT the time. Not that there would be a GOOD time to be feeling like this...

" I thought you would be smart enough not to get caught"

" What? No hello? And I thought we were friends Tammy" I say, fake pouting.

" Well excuse me for being concerned about the fact that you are currently captured in a Neverseen hideout!"

" What can I say? I guess I'm just a positive person" I say shrugging.

" You are bleeding and you focus on the fact that I didnt say hello?!"

" I guess I forgot." I defintely did not forget, it really hurt, I had been cut by a sword on my stomach, reopening the old wound I recieved from the ogre king. Not exactly a great feeling.

Lady Gisela stepped forward " Well I'm not a heartless monster so-" 

" You sure about that?" Tam and I both mutter.

Giselas eyes narrow " So I will let you two catch up for a bit"and with that she left the room closing the door behind her. Tam rushes to my side and kneels down beside my collapsed form

" Are you ok?"

"Long time no see." I respond with.

"I mean it has not been that long."

"Ok so if your'e calling year's "not that long" then I dont want to know what you define as a long time." I retort

"Wait, did you say year's?"

" umm yes why?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that we have not seen you in a really long time!"

"no no that cant be right, I have only been here for a month..."

"Tam...you have been gone for two year's."

Dun dun dunn!!! Sorry for the cliff hanger! I am going to try and get the next chapter up soon but I am not sure if I will successfully do that I do not know... sorry for any spelling mistakes and thanks so much for reading!!! * sets off a bunch of confettie canons* Please vote, comment, follow and share! ( for those who are not writers I promise you that just commenting on someones story will give them motivation to write, as long as the comments are polite of course:) ) Ok ly all and byyyye!

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