Two Years?!

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Hiiiiii, welp I mean I did warn y'all that this chapter was not going to be up for awhile... but I have the motivation now AND I know where this story is going. so hopfully the chapters will be up sooner. 

Keefes POV

"What do you mean I have been here for two years?!" Tams eyes focus on mine, confusion clouding them.

"I mean two years ago was the last time I ever saw you...the last time anyone saw you" My mind flashes back to that day.. the day another piece of my world crumbled away. It had been terrible... the only reason I was able to move on was because I knew that my mo- .... Gisela wouldnt kill Tam, he was leverage.

" th- that cant be right.. i'v only been gone a month. One month ago I woke up after being sedated for a few days they told me... do - do you mean I have been sedated for two years?" Tams voice broke. He was starting to freak out, I could tell. " W-Why was I sedated for so long? What did they do to me?!"

" hey hey relax ok?" I shift slowly into a sitting position, holding back a gasp as pain spirlas through me. I take Tams hands and make him meet my gaze. " Its ok, its ok".

" Im fine im fine" he blows out a breath and grips my hands tighter.

"hey, youre bleeding." I say as I notice the blood on his forhead matting with his bangs, which were noticably missing the silver.

" oh ya.. um that was from training." His eyes flick to the wall.


" dont worry... I'm used to it"

"Tam, thats not something you should be used to.. how.. how often do they hurt you?" I reach up to brush his bangs away, Tam stifens and I feel him become scared. I pull both of my hands away from him... Right, dont do that, Tams doesnt.. he doesnt feel the same way you do.

"enough for me to know my place"


" This isnt about me, focus on yourself. Are you ok?" Tams eyes harden as he looks down at my wound.

"I kinda got lightly cut with a sword" I mutter, I hiss in pain as I shift myself.

" Lightly?! I need to help you.. umm I'm going to need to get a better look." He mumbles

" You know if you wanted me to take off my shirt you could have just asked" I say smirking.

" Um wha- nO I-" Tam lept back, face tomato red.

" Im just messing with you but I  might need you to help me with it." I gester to my hand movment being restricted by the shackles.

" ya ok.." 


Keefe was wearing a white dress shirt, the blood was like a bright siren against it. Hesitently I took out the dagger. Carfully I began cutting the shirt away, gasping as the wound came into view. 

"It looks worse than it is." Keefe said, his scrunched up face and short breaths said otherwise.

I tear a piece of my cape off for a makeshift bandage. I push it against the wound, keeping presssure.

This wasnt looking good, There was only one thing I could think that I could bargin with.

" Ok look theres only one way I can get the Neverseen to give you medical attention and hopfully I'm convincing enough. Im going to call gisela back in here and I need you to look as if youre about to die". I said quickly.

" That wont be a problem" Keefe said in a tight voice.

"ok.." I sit up and walk over to the door yanking it open, sure enough theres Gisela leaning against the wall. She walks past me and into the room, her Neverseen cloak swishing behind her.

" He needs a doctor" I say following her to where she stood above her son.

"And why would I get one?" She asked glaring at her son who was doing a good performance of looking near dead... though that might not be a perfomance.

"You want information from him, correct? He'll die on us before the torure even begins." I manage to keep my voice from cracking over that last sentence.

She turns to look at me sighing " I supose youre right" she looks back down at her son " you always were so weak Keefe, not even able get through a little cut without needing help from your friends".

My insides start boiling. " Incase you have failed to notice but your sons guts are only being kept inside him by a small piece of cloth, thats not what I would call a 'little cut'." 

Gisela ignores me. "Always depending on your little group of friends Keefe, thats where you went wrong, you let yourself care, you let them become a crutch." She walked over to the door. "I'll send a doctor, Song, youre going to return to your room and stay there. Dont even think about coming to see your friend without my permisson." She opened the door gesturing for me to leave. 

I walk over, I don't look back, that will only make it worse. I go back to my room and slump against the wall holding my face in my hands.

I know whats going to happen once hes better, the same thing that happens to all the others. Keefe has already been through so much pain... but this time it will be caused by me.

Ok Ta da! New chapter whoo hoo! I think i'll have the next chapter up by tomorrow. Otherwise thanks for reading!! Remember these charactors and this world belong to Shannon Messenger! I hope you enjoyed reading this! Byyyye ly all.

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