Cell Mates

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ahh ok so I did not update soon as I had promised... sorry umm apology mallowmelt? *hands out mallowmelt* im not sure if I like how this chapter turned out but at least I updated, I will probably edit it later but here you go! 


I wake up to loud thumping on his room door, though it was really more of a cell. Small and damp with stains on the  wall that I dont even want to know what they are. The room is entierly made of stone,  there was a small dorr that led to a even smaller room that held a almost completly broken toilet and a rusty sink, and a small metal bed was in the corner only with a blanket. I had fallen asleep on the floor, not that there was a big diffrence.

I only have seconds to stand up when two Neverseen members barge in carrying an unconsious Keefe between them, they lay him on the ground not all that gently.

I hold my ground as Gisela strolls in and the other two members leave. "why is he here?" I ask resiting the urge to look over at him. Showing that I cared would make it worse.

" The medic says he'll need a week to recover enough so that he dosent die in torture." Gisela clapped her hands " so he'll be staying here with you until then!"

"w-why though?"

" I  thought it would intresting to test if this is the time that actually breaks your mind with guilt so why not let you two get to know each other better, its a fun little experiment! Anyway i'll be leaving now I have work to do."  Slamming the door behind her, I hear the slide of a bolt lock the doors tight.

Once I'm sure Gisela had left I rush over to Keefe. He had shackles on his wrists and was out cold. Carfully I scoop him up bridal style and place him down on the small bed, it would be uncomfortable but its better than the floor. 

I step back watching him sleep, as least creepily as possible..., why did he have to be so friggen cute. wait what?? there was no way that thought had come from him... this was Keefe the guy who hated me. Even if I DID like him, which I don't obviously, there is no way anything could happen... right?

Keefe POV

I wake up hours later, at least it feels like it been hours, I try to sit up but the pain that spikes keeps me down. Instead I opt for moving my head. I wasnt in the same room as before. I was lying on a bed with a blanket carefully tucked around me.

 I turn my head to the side and see a curled up figure on the ground sleeping. Tam was shivering, only coverd with his cloak. So this is Tams room? Oh gods I must be hogging his bed then, now I feel bad that he had to sleep on the ground...

Tam shifts in his sleep turing over to face me blinking his eyes. " Morning " Tam says putting a hand through his hair. "how are you feeling?"

"uhh" oh gods why did he have to be so attractive when he woke up. " well not great but um why am I here?"

" You need a week to recover before you can survive the-" he hesitated on the next word " the torture long enough for her to get information, and Gisela left you to recover here. Mostly she just wants to see if it will break me."

" ok.." I tried to sit up, but failed miserably. 

"hang on" Tam took off his cloak leaving him in a Neverseen styled jerkin, he folded up the cloak to create a make shift pillow  and put it behind me. He helped me get into a sitting position letting me lean onto the cloak pillow.

"thanks" I said "ahg sorry about taking up your bed though since you had to sleep on the floor."

"its ok, besides your'e hurt "

" well ya but its still your bed. oh why dont we just sleep together?"

"I- what?" Tam say stuttering and stepping back. 

my face flames when I realise what I said. "I mean we could share the bed like one of us goas on onne side and the other goes on the opposite side?" I try to be casual but on the inside I was as loud as Elwins Banshee.

Tam looked down " That um.. would make the most sense I guess instead of one of us sleeping on the ground."

"ok then, sooo I guess we should catch up?"

Ok so readers! Thanks soooooo much for reading this! I know how I want this story to go (i have the plot in my head) but I'm not sure how to go from here, so Im asking for ideas. What should happen well Keefe and Tam are roomates (cell mates I guess?) I'm open to any suggustion! Thanks and lots of love to you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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