He's Just My Friend...

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Hello there, see I told you the next chapter would be up today! Warning: This chapter contains homophobie, so if that will trigger anything for you please dont keep reading. 

Keefe POV

Gisela stood by the door glaring disaprovingly at me. 

" Why did you keep him sedated for so long?" I ask breaking the silence.

" Now why would I give away our fun little suprise?" She walked closer to me.

"What have you been doing to him? I swear if you hurt him i'll-" 

Gisela cut me off. "You'll what? Youre in no place to be making threats. Besides I think you should be more worried about what he's going to do to you".

"What does that mean?" I stifen

" What do you think? You know if a shades powers are trained corectly they can become exellent forms of torture." My faces bleachs upon hearing her words.

"Why do you care so much about him anyway?" Gisela asked stepping closer.

"Because he's- hes my friend" I say stumbling over the words.

"But thats not all there is, is there?" She bends down right next to me.

" he's just my friend... nothing more"

" but you want there to be more dont you?" She said in a cold voice.

" It doesnt matter if I do, he doesnt feel the same way." I mumble.

"Of course he doesnt" she says standing up. " No one  feels like you do, youre just a messed up disapontment, it isnt natural to feel like you do." She bent down grabbing my hair to force me to look up at her. " So I suggest you stop" She yanked her hand causing my head to hit the wall, standing up she left for the door not saying a single word as she left.

My head throbbed. I was used to the things Gisela had said, I had heard them a lot since I came out in the Lost Citys, my friends were all supportive and most others were too, but there was always some people like my mother... They didnt understand, I cant change this part of me. So I ignore them. I'v learned to accept myself so thats what matters.

Ok so this chapter was short but I will have the next chapter up some time today, i'm going to start on it right away. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for any spelling mistakes btw. Please comment vote and share! Thanks ly all.

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