The call of the Wild

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Taehyung spent the next week quietly observing Jungkook.

He noticed how the boy would scrunch up his nose whenever he concentrated on something.
How he would be scared of Yoongi, but laugh with Jin. How the boy stuttered nervously when given an order.
The boss liked the way that Jungkook was a bundle of nerves around him.

Taehyung didn't really like to use the word 'cute' very often, but Jungkook might be an exception.

He should be annoyed that the boy fell asleep on the couch in his office.
He should threaten the boy again, knowing that he won't even do anything anyway.
But he doesn't. Seeing the younger passed out on the couch, mouth slightly open just enough so that his little bunny teeth show, might just might have made Taehyung the weakest that he has been in a very long time.


The waking boy shifted and opened his doe-like eyes to find himself in Mr. Kim's estate office. Oh. Oh no.

He quickly stood up and looked around to find that Mr. Kim was no where to be seen. Relief.

As Jungkook looked around to make sure that everything was in order, he found a note on Mr. Kim's desk.

Come to bedroom 6 when you wake up.

- Kim

He knew I was asleep?!? Jungkook thought, eyes wide.
He then, ran out of the room in search for bedroom 6.

"Hey Jokwon? Do you know where bedroom six is?" Jungkook asked the 'maid' not far from the office.

"Hey fabulous! Long time no see where have you even been?" Jokwon threw his hands in the air flamboyantly.

"I'm kind of in a hurry.."

"Ok fine, talksies later. Yeah bedroom six is in the east wing. Wait why are you going in Mr. Kim's bedroom? Isn't that off-limits?" He said in confusion.

"What?? Shit. I'm supposed to go there. I guess we'll see? Thanks!"

"No problem sweet cheeks!" He shouted to the running boy


"Sir?" Jungkook opened the doors to find a room a bit similar to his own, but twice as big and three times as grand.

His eyes scanned the room to find a lump in the bed. Walking over, he found that it was Mr. Kim. The boss was sleeping soundly, lips pursed and with hair unkept, much different than his usual combed and styled.

"Mr. Kim.." the younger whispered in hopes of not getting yelled at for waking the man.

The boss groaned and sat up. Immediately Jungkook noticed his slight under eye circles and the bit of cold sweat on the back of his neck.

"Mr. Kim are you sick? Are you ok?"

"That's why I asked you to come over here you shit. I've just got a little cold and fever and I don't need anyone else knowing. Anyone. Understand? I need you to stay with me. Just to fetch a few things that I need and give me medicine and so forth."

"Oh. Are you sure.. I mean.. Ok. if that's what you would like. But tell me if you need a doctor..sir." The younger said looking down with a blush.

"Good. Now sit. " He pointed towards a wooden chair next to the bed and handed him a book. "Read this until I go back to sleep."

Jungkook was shocked. But then again, the boss is rather odd and unpredictable. That is also what frightened so many people. The fact that he is slightly bipolar and changes his plans on a whim, made it so that you never really knew what he would do next. It could be horribly dangerous or life saving. He could go either way.

The younger just decided to go with it and sat down to read the book. The title was 'The call of the wild'.

"I know this book. We read it a lot in school. Well. We were supposed to."
Jungkook commented.

"Then all the more reason to read it. Go ahead." Mr. Kim then got settled into bed.

"Wait.. Don't you want to get under your blankets? And wear something comfortable?"

"Ah. Sure. Go to that closet and get a pair of sweat pants."

When Jungkook finally got his boss all settled in bed with teeth brushed and all, he began to read the book to him, every now and then looking up to see if the other was asleep yet. By the third chapter he himself had actually started to get a bit tired.

Sensing that, the older turned around on his side facing away from the boy just to see if Jungkook would eventually fall asleep.

About 5 minutes after the reading stopped, Taehyung turned his head to see a sleeping boy with just his head on the bed. He gently got out from under his covers as to not wake him and scooped him up easily to set the boy on the near by couch.

The last thought that Taehyung had before he too drifted off to sleep in his own bed,

Well, my plan sure worked out well. I've always been great at playing sick. Hah.

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