Of fish and Smiles

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(A/N) : Hi! I have had some family issues and I had the flu, so it was safe to say that I was not in the right mindset to write lmao. But I'm back!

I  post this story on AFF too, so please don't think that that account plagiarized anything (I got a comment saying that I did on there.) Sooo I should probably just have all of my user names the same thing, huh? lol but yeah, just a short chapter because I'm posting another one tonight anyway (yay for two updates in one day!) just to make up for having not updated in so long. The second one will be long af and probably have smut so.. yeah.


"Can we bring Chocolate???" 


"Why dont you like chocolate?!? I thought you liked her!! I think that she's the best thing that has ever happened to us."

"Yeah, and I think that your face would look great smashed into the sement."

"GUYS" Jungkook yelled at the two bickering men. Namjoon and Jin slowly turned their heads in his direction. 

"Stop, ok. We're supposted to be talking about what we need to bring to the trip.. peacefully... please?" Jungkooks courage sizzled down a bit as the two locked eyes with him, glaring. 

"Hey hey!! Be happy! You guys fight like married couples, just go fuck already im sure you'll feel better." Hoseok chimed in, giving his signature smile and wink. 

The skilled hacker and Jungkook made their way out of the room together with hoseok slinging his arm around the younger's shoulder. "It's ok Kookie, they're always like that. I swear its some sexual tension or something. Anyway, did you get ummm whats his name? Neil? to get your stuff together?"

"Yes, i did. But.. I have a question.." Jungkook lifted his head curiously as the two came to a stop after entering the main west building room, to sit down on the large couch. 

"Who's Chocolate?" 

"Oh! You havent met chocolate? Shes a fish." he pointed over to a small fish tank that was sitting on a coffee table with a single white fish swimming in it. "Chocolate. Jin's fish."

"But...the fish.. The fish is white.  And he named her.. chocolate?" The boy asked with a puzzeled face.

"Oh.. yeah. Thats another Namjoon and Jin thing.. after Jin got the fish, Sir got us some icecream. Well.. had someone get some for us.. well anyway, as we were sitting down eating some icecream and deciding what to name the fish..


"No! We are not naming the fish a gangster name!"

"But BRUH. A swag, cholo name like Filipe or Antonio is great. OR Treyquan. I like Treyquan" 

"Yoongi! My fish shall be pure! What in heaven's name are you talking about! The other day you said that Treyquan was a porn star name, no!"

" 'Ight, who wants to trade with me. I like vanilla icecream better."

"Who the hell likes vanilla better than chocolate" Jin stared at Namjoon in question.

"Umm. Because Vanilla is the best flavor, thats why."

"No Its chocolate!"





"Oh, yeah, then if you like chocolate so much, then why dont you name your new daughter that then!"

"So.. is it going to be named after a mexican gangster.. or.. a porn star.. or..."


"Ah. I get it now" Jungkook shot a knowing look at hoseok, finding the whole thing ridiculously cute.

"I know,  it's adorable. We always call them 'Namjin' whenever they bicker, just to mess with them. Absolutly priceless."

A familiar load boom of the metal door at the front entrace sounds. Taehyung walks in, expensive, black shoes clicking with every step. Jungkook jumps when he hears the boss speak a bit too harshly. 

"Is everyone ready, or not? Lets go" he barked, sounding rather aggravated. Taehyung was about to walk out but then stopped to comment, "And Jin.. if you even think about bringing Chocolate, I am flushing her down the toilet. Do not doubt me." 

Jungkook made a game out of counting the trees that passed by and Taehyung made a game out of how many times Jungkook bit his lip out of concentration.  

"So... Sir?" Jungkook couldnt help but feel a bit nervous, no matter how used to him that he was.


"Umm.. so.. why is it just us? Couldnt we have had more people in the same car as us, instead of using four cars? I mean.. it's just you aand me in this one.. and then another with two people, another with 3 people and a car with nothing but luggage. This car could easily fit 7 people." The younger stated quite rushed.

"Are you just talking to hear yourself talk, or are you really that bored to be spouting that much nonsense."

"Ah.. I was just.. nevermind. I was bored so i guess i just wanted to.. ya know, start a conversation?" After a few moments with no answer, Jungkook tried to speak again. "Sir. Do you think that I could ask you some things to get to know you better?"

"Whatever flips your skirt up, kid."

"Oh. Ok. Well, why dont you smile often?"

After a few seconds of silence, finally there was an answer. "Because there is not much to smile about."

"So.. then are you always sad? You know.. like are you depressed? Back when we had money, my mom saw a theripast.  You should try it, it really helps!" The boy replyed with a reasuring smile.

"Jungkook, let me tell you one thing. I am not sad, nor am I happy. I am simply nuetral. I do not smile and I do not cry. I am nothing. I am definitly not like your mother. Whatever worked for her will not work for me. I do not need any therapy, for I will stay as I am at this moment and do not wish to change at all. Let me put it this way.. kid." 

Taehyung leans over to put one hand on the younger's knee, eyes staring straight into Jungkook's. 

"I am made of brick and you are made of glass."

"Wahh! Its nice, boss. Just like last year, nothing has changed!" Hoseok runs around the large beach house, eyes darting in every direction. 

"Can we just go to sleep now, and then play tomorrow because it is 2:00AM and that does not sit well with me." Yoongi stated, already heading up the stairs to an assumed bedroom.

The beach house was breathtaking to say the least. Completly open concept and themed white and yellow, with splashes of blue to accent the modern, light brown, wooden furniture. 

"Woah. The windows are huge, it's almost like a glass house!" Jungkook stood in the same place by the front entrance, just staring with his mouth agape, inchanted by the (What he deemed to be) one of the most relaxing places known to man.

"Well, you better rest kid. We're having a lot of fun tomorrow!" Namjoon patted the kid on the back.

"Oh! Can he sleep with me? I mean... in the bed.. with me.. no...I mean.. in the same room.. with....me." Jimin's face was probably a quarter's width distance away from Jungkook's face.

"How about no."

"oh. ok."

"I miss Chocolate."

"We know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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