The Beginning (Chapter 1)

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A/N Hi! This is my first story EVER! Before I begin, I would like to give a shout out to @Kryptonianpotato to thank you for giving me the courage to do this and for being my first follower, so please go check out their stories. It means a LOT to me. So with out further ado, The Lost Daughter.

(Natasha's POV)

"You're almost there Ms. Rushman! Just one final push!" The nurse said to me.

I screamed as pain over took me. It had been like this for 7 and a half hours now, ever since my water broke. Then the beautiful sound of my baby crying filled the room. I started crying out of sheer joy.

"It's a girl. What are you going to name her?" The nurse asked.

"Kara, her name is Kara. Now give her to me before I get mad." I said then threatened.

She gulped and gave me my beautiful baby girl, then walked out. I gaze at her bright blue eyes, and I see him in her. There is mostly me though. A red tough of hair and the pale skin, that's all me, baby. But those eyes, those eyes are her fathers. A crystal clear bright blue. I decided then and there, that she would be hidden from the world, and no one would ever hurt her. No one would ever hurt my precious Kara Arrow Romanogers.

2 months later

(Still Natasha's POV)

It's been two months since I had Kara, and I have never been more happy. I never thought I would ever be able to have a child of my own, but here I am. I'm in the kitchen when my phone goes off.

"Natalia Rushman, how may I help you?" I ask as I answer.

"You're a hard person to track down Agent Romanoff." Fury's voice said through the phone.

"What do you want Fury?" I ask harshly.

"The Avengers need you. We are fighting a battle that no one knows about but you." He answers.

"And what would that be?" I ask.

"The Red Room." He replies.

My eyes widen and my blood runs cold. I somehow unintentionally had walked into my daughters room while on the phone and I didn't even notice. She was a mere baby, only a couple of months. I realized, that if I took down the Red Room, that I would be able to retire, and Kara would be safe, at least for now.

I sigh. "When do I leave?"

(Time Skip: 3 hours)  

My posture was rigid and I was uncomfortable. I had left Kara in the hands of my neighbors, Kelly and Thomas. They both adored Kara, and had put in an application to adopt a baby. This was good practice. I was not looking forward to seeing my team again, but I reminded myself that this was for her, and that after, we would live in a safer world for the time being.

I heard a yelling match coming from the door three doors down. Well, time to face the idiotic men and Wanda. I thought.

I slam open the door and yell, "What the hell is going on in here?"

(Steve's POV)

Just like always, Tony was being an ass. He thought that this mission should be a Code Green, but of course, everyone said no. But he was still arguing to have it happen.

"Tony, lets be reasonable, even though you can't be, still. Lets be reasonable. We don't have someone to do the lullaby anymore, and this could end up hurting innocent people. Do you really want that?" Wanda tried to reason.

"No. There is nothing that you can do to change my mind. This should be a Code Green. We need the Hulk to help us, not just stay locked up." Tony replied.

"YES IT SHOULD!" We all scream at the same time.

"What the hell is going on in here?" A familiar voice yells over all of us.

"NATASHA?!" We all yell as one.

She smirks her beautiful smirk, and we all run up to her and hug her.

"Ok, it's time to get to work," Fury announces from nowhere, scaring the crap out of all of us.

(Time Skip: 5 hours)

(Natasha's POV)

Hours later we're back on the base and I head to Fury's office to talk to him about retiring, when I hear the sirens announcing that the Avengers have to get to the meeting for an emergency. I sprint there, and Clint comes running in behind me.

"Good, you're all here. 10 minutes ago, a civilian house was destroyed. Two dead. It appears to have been the Red Room, but we don't know why they would have attacked a house with two adults in it. There were no child things at all, so does anyone have any ideas?" Fury reported.

I feel my face pale. "What's the address of the house?"

"366 Green Block Way. Why?"

I don't give him an answer, because by the time he asked why, I was already out the door. I hear them calling my name, but I don't care. All I care about is making sure my baby is okay. I 'barrow' one of the cars and drive to my neighbors house and rush inside. I look around, btu I don't see her. As tears well in my eyes, I hear Clint come up behind me, asking if I was alright, but he was a million miles away. My knees give out from underneath me and I start to sob as Clint catches me, but I don't care. They have my baby. They have my baby girl, and they're going to pay. No matter what it takes.

A/N So? How did you like it? Please comment if I should keep going or not. Remember that I will only be posting on one random day, or sometimes if I'm lucky to have enough time, two random days a week. Also, her name is pronounced k-air-a, not car-a. Agent-of-SPOOF out!

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