Chapter 8: Part 8 - Mötley Crüe

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Both Santana and Tommy went to the studio in their own car so Santana left hers in the parking lot.

"Tommy you know that I don't know where jack shit is here."

"Yeah but you can read which ones are good can't you?"

"Fuck I'll try."

"Or do you wanna make it instead?"

"If we find a grocery store before we find a restaurant then I'll cook for you, if not then we'll just eat at a restaurant." That was the deal they made with each other. They didn't know where anything was and got lost. They got lost in a neighborhood with a Mexican grocery store so they went and she bought the things she needed. They had to buy a map and figure out their way back.

"Just give me directions."

"I'll be fucking honest with you, I don't know how to read this shit."

"How the fuck are we gonna get back?" They both bickered back and forth until they asked for help at a gas station. The man said he would help them in return Tommy signed something for him so he did and they safely got back to Tommy's apartment.

The sun was already setting out, but they both hadn't ate and were starving. Santana started cooking up Tacos de Asada and Pastor. She had Tommy assist her with making the salsa. The food was finally done and they both sat down to eat.

"Fuck I'll never get over how great of a fucking cook you are."

"I think you're just hungry."

"No way." He said and gobbled his food. He went for second rounds. Tommy ate a total of 9 tacos while Santana only ate 4, she had a small stomach.

"I'm so fucking full thank you so much."

"Better than eating out to be honest. I prefer to make my own sometimes, unless I know it's a good ass place, otherwise, food tastes like shit."

"I would kill to have a wife that cooks that shit everyday."

"Does Heather cook?"

"She does but she's white." Santana couldn't help but laugh.

"Axl is a lucky guy. Have you cooked for him?"

"No. I've never cooked for anyone except for my family or you."

"Why haven't you cooked for him?"

"Just never happened I guess."

"Dammit it's already 12. Fuck. Axl is gonna flip the fuck out."

"Relax, aren't they behind on time?"

"Exactly, he knows we're ahead. The latest I've called him is 10."

"Call him if you want, I'm gonna hit the shower."

Santana proceeded to call Axl while Tommy showered.

"Hey babe sorry I didn't call you, I didn't even realize what time it was."

"Are you still with Tommy?"

"Yeah we got fucking lost, we couldn't find a restaurant, we went to the grocery store instead, we had to ask for directions, then we finally made it at his place and I cooked for us which took like a while other fucking hour and a half and now we barely ate."

"Hold on. You're at his place?"

"Yeah that's what I just said."

"Doing what exactly?"

"What are you talking about? You're serious right now? Are you really gonna fucking start this shit right now?" Meanwhile, Tommy forgot his towel and overheard the conversation Santana had with Axl.

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