Chapter 9: Mötley Crüe - Part 10

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Was Santana attracted to douchey assholes? It sure seemed like it. And just like that, she started to like Tommy. Was it the fact he made her cum 3 times that night and squirt twice? Was it the fact that he took care of her throughout her memory loss journey? Nobody knew why, but it seemed as if it was for the wrong reasons. Sweet Tommy activated = Santana not interested. Horny Tommy activated = Santana's panties wet.

The next morning, Santana woke up to Tommy bringing her breakfast.

"Wow do you always do this?" She said as she sat up. He laughed.


"No you don't liar, you're trying to impress me but it's not working." Tommy knew it wasn't true so he just smiled at her.

"You should eat, you haven't really ate that great, hospital food is fucking shit." She picked up the fork and started eating while he stared at her like a fucking weirdo.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing I'm gonna go shower."

"You're not gonna wait for me?"

"You wanna come shower with me?"


"Okay I'll wait for you to finish." She continued eating her food.

"So did I meet your expectations last night?"

"What do you think? I would've lost $10,000."

"I would never make you pay me. I just needed an excuse to get some ass."

"What's the most you've paid for ass?" Tommy didn't wanna answer the question.

"I've paid $3,000 the most I think."

"Wow, that's a lot of money for some ass."

"Wasn't even worth it. Waste of fucking money." Santana finished her food and showered with Tommy.

After they finished, she asked him if he could take her home so they drove over there. He dropped her off and left.

A few hours after she was dropped off, she ended up taking a nap the entire day. Once she was awaken, all of a sudden it hit her. Her memory completely did a 360 and she remembered every little detail of her life. The 10 years were no longer a mystery. Everything that happened in the past few days all of a sudden came crashing down on her and she felt sick. She fucked Bret, Vince and Tommy. She absolutely despised Vince and Tommy for taking advantage of her for knowing she had no recollection of her memory at the time. She was so fucking pissed she decided to call Vince first and curse him out.

"What's up baby?" He said as he picked up the phone.

"You are a FUCKING disgusting piece of shit human how DARE you take advantage of me when in all these years I rejected you for a a fucking reason and you jumped at the first chance you got you're seriously so fucked in that fucking shitty blonde brain of yours, you're daughter would be so disappointed in you I don't know how you can live with yourself you fucking KNEW that I would NEVER sleep with you I honestly can't fucking believe it I'm disgusted. You're not a good person and you never will be. NEVER try talking to me ever again I want nothing to do with you stupid dick." She said before he can say anything and hung up the phone. She was debating on doing the same for Tommy but he was genuinely taking care of her. He only took advantage last night and felt like he deserved a break.

Santana called Dr. Grey to tell him she had full memory. They scheduled an appointment for a follow up just to make sure everything was okay.

She took a shower to relax because her anxiety was off the roof. All of a sudden, a knock is heard in the door so she checked the peephole and saw that it was Tommy.

"Hey are you okay? I've been calling you all day but you didn't answer and I got worried that you got lost again or some shit." She didn't say anything she just stared at him and he stared at her back. He was confused at first and then he understood.

"You fucking remember."

"You were doing so good up until last night, what happened?"

"Well what do you fucking expect from me? I'm fucking tired of acting like the perfect guy for you when I'm clearly not and you know that."

"I didn't ask you to act like that you're the one who keeps forcing me to be in your fucking life when I told you to piss off."

"I just want you to accept me the way I am Santana. I'm a fucking asshole but this asshole loves you."

"And I've told you countless times that it's not gonna workout. I don't know how many times I have to repeat it to you so you can understand."

"I do understand but I don't want that. And you don't either I fucking know you don't."

"You don't understand how bad you've hurt me, I'm not gonna put myself in that situation again."

"Are you finally gonna let me explain the letters to Pamela?"

"What is there to explain?! They speak for themselves."

"I wrote her those fucking letters because my lawyer told me that I needed to be on good terms with her so she won't take Brandon away. At the time, she could've easily taken custody of him because of the incident. I just needed to get on her good side."

"And after I left you went back with her and had another child so clearly no matter what you'll always go back to her!"

"I only went back with her because I was fucking lonely and you know me I have to have someone by my side at all times I'm just a fucking hopeless romantic."

"No, I can't do it. I won't do it, please leave."

"What about these last few weeks? I've been the only who's been on your side every fucking day, no one else."

"And I'm so grateful you have. You misinterpret me, I don't want you out of my life I clearly love you so much and you're very important to me but I just don't want you as a romantic partner, that's all." He didn't say anything and kissed her. She kissed him back because at the end of the day, she loved him. He looked down at her because of how much taller he was than her. The tip of her head reached his collar bones.

"Marry me."

"You're fucking insane. Did you not just hear anything I just said?"

"I promise I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna take care of you, I'm always gonna love you."

"I'm getting extremely tired of this. I honestly don't know what I have to do to get you stop this."

"It'll stop when you marry me."

"I'll literally get a retraining order, I'm not joking."

"No you won't."

"Yes I will get out I'm gonna get it now you pissed me off."

"Okay I'll call you tomorrow. Goodluck with your restraining order." He said and kissed her forehead and left. Santana was mad because she knew she could never do that. She closed the door and walked halfway inside her place, and then walked back out and called for him.

"Tommy." She said. He was going down the stairs and quickly turned back around. She didn't know why she called for him and had nothing to say. She just felt like seeing him.

"What happened?"

"Nothing I don't know why I called you, carry on." She turned around and tried going back inside. The amount of feelings she had for him and the love she felt had grown way more than she ever anticipated. Was this a side affect of the medication she was taken? Or was she actually in love with him? Never before did she ever think "I'm in love with this man and I wanna spend the rest of my life with him." Until now. She didn't know why but she didn't like it.

She shut her door and sat down on her porch.

"Fuck." She murmured as she lit up a cigarette. The last time she was "in love" was with her ex Santiago and everyone knows how that went.

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