Chapter 21: Part 20 - Santana

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Once we arrived at the hotel, the first thing I did was dial Abel. It was 12am here.

"Hey can I talk to Abel?"

"He left. Try calling his house." The receptionist told me so that's what I did.


"Babe it's Santana."

"Hey I saw what you were talking about. I bought a magazine."

"Yeah they're fucking pricks for that."

"Mind giving me the backstory to this picture?" He kindly asked so I explained it to him.

"Well if that's what you're saying then that's the truth." I couldn't believe how understanding and sweet he was. It made me feel a tingly feeling inside.

"Thank you for being so understanding you don't know how relieved it feels."

"Baby I told you from the beginning that you can trust me with anything." At this point I felt bad that I hadn't told him I was married and didn't know if I should do it in person or over the phone.

"I guess I'm used to dating assholes that I forget what it's like to date a real man."

"I'm not a real man, I'm just treating you how a decent person treats his girlfriend."

"How did I get so lucky? Anyway, since we're on this topic, I know telling you this over the phone isn't quite ideal but I need to be honest with you."

"What is it?"

"Do you know who Axl Rose is?"

"From Guns N Roses? Yeah I love those guys."

"Well I sort of married him and we haven't gotten a divorce."

"Hold up what? You're married?"

"Just legally. We split up a long time ago he was a fucking asshole and he wasn't giving me the divorce when I asked him to so now I'm waiting for him to do it."

"Wow I should've known, you're very beautiful you can get any rockstar you want."

"Yeah but I don't like rockstars anymore, they're all assholes."

"I don't like that you're still married but if he's not giving you a divorce then what can you do."

"I promise once we get back from tour I'll try to get a lawyer. Tommy said he can get me his lawyer to help so I can get it over with already."

"Well thanks for ruining a great band for me, you're terrible."

"Stop it." We spent an hour on the phone until I finally got tired and crashed.


After months of touring, we'd finally be able to go home. I was extremely excited to get my divorce and start my life with Abel. Tommy got his lawyer to contact me as promised so I can get started on the divorce. I met up with him at his firm.


"Yes, hi."

"Hi I'm Chris Towell, please come in." I sat down in front of his large wooden desk.

"So, Tommy tells me you're trying to get a divorce?"

"Yes. My husband is Axl Rose."

"Have you talked about it?"

"We have but since he was going on tour he wanted to put it off. But I wanna get everything started."

"Okay. Have you thought about what you want or what he wants?"

"I don't want anything, I just want a divorce."

"Okay. Do you have any children?"


"Okay. I need all your asset information, when you get that you can fax it to me or bring it directly. Do you do your taxes together?"

"Yeah we have to. Only like twice though."

"Bring me your joint tax information too."

"Okay, I'll fax them over you when I get them."

"Great. I'll get in contact with him or his lawyer and we can get started on the process."

"Thank you so much." I walked out the door feeling accomplished. Finally something positive in my life that would change for the better.

I was running late in meeting the guys down at the studio so I quickly drove off. When I arrived, they were all there except Vince.

"Where the hell is Vince?"

"He's not here princess." Mick said.

"Did you call him?" They all just looked at me as if I was stupid. "I'll call him." I grabbed the studios phone and dialed but there was no answer. I sat in my chair from behind the glass and just waited for something to happen. Tom's replacement which was a woman named Julia was also in there with me.

"How many rehearsals has he missed?" I asked her.

"This is the fourth one."

"For fucks sake." I got up and opened the door so they can hear me, "He misses four rehearsals and no one seems to fucking tell me? Fucking fax him if you have to."

An hour later, an angry Vince storms in. It resulted with all of them getting into an argument and Vince quitting the band. I was completely shocked and appalled. I decided to give it a couple days and go talk to him.


"Hey Vince can I come in?" I asked him and he let me inside his house.

"We should talk about what happened." I tell him.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm fucking tired of those assholes. I already made up my mind."

"You don't want to think about it some more? I mean you've known them for so many years."

"That don't mean shit to me. I'm fucking done with Mötley Crüe. Mötley Crüe is over."

"Do not forget you have have a six album deal with Elektra that hasn't been fulfilled yet. They owe you guys money."

"Then tell them to give it to us. Look man if you came here to convince to go back then you're just wasting your fucking time."

"Fuck Vince.. I mean what am I supposed to do here? Replace you? We can't do that shit. Mötley isn't Mötley without you."

"What's done is done. You can close the door on your way out." I took that as a sign to leave so I did. I went to the studio where the rest of them where all there and told them that he's out of the band.

"Van Halen replaced their lead singer and they're still rocking. Why can't Mötley Crüe do that?"

"I'm just a co-manager. I'll talk to Doug and Elektra about the next step. I just didn't think it would end this way." I set up a meeting with everyone involved. They decided that the next step is to find a lead singer that can replace Vince. I didn't think it was a good idea but I didn't really have a say in it.


John Corabi would soon replace Vince. Doug was anti-Corabi so Nikki decided to fire him. In fact, they fired everyone, including myself. They said it was nothing personal, but that they felt that with a new singer, new music and a new album, they wanted new management. I was extremely upset that after all these years, they just woke up and fired me. Frankly, I didn't give a shit about everyone else, they weren't my problem, but me? That was the most selfish shit they could do. After I got fired, I stopped talking to all of them. Tommy tried calling me a few times to check up on me but I didn't answer. But as far as the rest of them, I was dead to them.

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