Chapter 2: Santana - Part 3

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I was such a fucking idiot. I fell into his trap once again.

"I'm an idiot." I thought out loud.

"You're not an idiot Santana I mean fuck we had it coming."

"I don't know how much longer I can keep lying to myself about you. I mean I tried it for so many years and it clearly hasn't worked."

"So what are you saying?"

"I don't know."

"Bro are you saying that you'll be with me? I'll get a divorce."

"I don't know what I'm saying I'm just thinking out loud. You should go because then your wife is gonna get worried."

"I'm gonna get divorced, I promise. Then we can finally be together." He got up put his clothes on and gave me a kiss on the forehead and left. I didn't know what to do so I called my friend Jessica from work to tell her what happened.

"I fucked up."

"What did you do?"

"Remember I told you about a guy that I really liked for a lot of yours, remember?"


"Turns out he's my fucking neighbor and he came over today and we had sex and now he left back home to his family."


"I'm sorry I couldn't fucking help it, I'm such an idiot. He said he's gonna get divorced."

"They all say that Santana."

"I know but this is different, I've known him for the last 8 years and we used to have a thing. It's honestly a long ass story. I've never told anyone but I feel like I can tell you. Tomorrow at work, I'll tell you the entire thing. It's kind of hard to understand it until I explain the entire thing."

"Okay but actually tell me tomorrow."

The next day, I went to work and called Jessica over to my office to gossip.

"Are you telling me this guys is Tommy fucking Lee?!"

"Yes but don't fucking say anything I don't want anyone to know."

"Holy shit wow no wonder you can't get over him."

"Right? He's fucking charming. I'm an idiot."

"I honestly don't know what to tell you. What if he does divorce her? I think you should wait, if he doesn't make moves in a month, then move on."

"Okay ima wait a month. Now go back to work." 

I arrived home and had a voicemail from Tommy.

Message 1: "I just talked to my lawyer. I have to break the news to her now. Can I see you today? Call me back."

I called him back after I showered and ate dinner.

"Hey Tommy I heard your voicemail."

"I haven't told her yet. Can I see you first?"

"Yeah sure."

15 minutes later, I heard a knock and found Tommy on the other side. Right when I opened he immediately stuck his down tongue down my throat and I gently pushed him off.

"Dude chill out, Jesus."

"Sorry I can't help it I missed you."

"Yeah right. I have leftovers from yesterday if you want some."

"Fuck yeah I do." He sat down and ate. I was starting to think he only liked me for my cooking.

"When you move in with, you'll have the whole kitchen to yourself to make whatever you want."

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