Chapter 20: Part 17 - Mötley Crüe

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After the staff rejected their visiting hours almost everyday, Tommy went all apeshit on them and started threatening to sue them for not letting them see her. Finally, a nurse on staff pulled them aside and let them know that the psychiatrist believes it's best if she takes this time to reflect, alone.


The facility eventually called Doug a day before her release to let him know she was going to be able to go home. He called Tommy and told he'll give him a ride since he was the only one involved. It's not that the rest didn't care, it's just that they cared a bit less.

"Baby where are you going?" Pamela asked Tommy.

"I'm gonna go with Doug."

"Again? To the mental place?"

"Babe Santana is in there. She's someone important in all of our lives, I have to see her."

"Can I come?"

"No babe it's best if you stay here. I gotta go Doug's here, love you bye." Tommy and Doug left. Pamela wondered why he always went but didn't question it.

When they arrived, they were both very anxious to see how she'd come out. They thought she'd be happy to see them and everything would go back to normal but it didn't. Instead, she was angry and bitter towards them. Santana was hurt that no one went to see her or tried getting her out early, until they explained to her that the facility didn't let them see her. She was still a bit irritated so she called a cab and left to her place alone.

After she left, both Tommy and Doug went back to their homes.

"Hey Nikki it's Tommy. Santana is out if you wanna give her a call."

"Yeah man. How was she?"

"She's fucking pissed at me dude. I don't think she's ever gonna talk to me again."

"Maybe it's for the best. You have your wife now and I have mine. Time to move on brother."

"I fucking can't bro. She's always on my fucking mind. She's like a fucking disease. I feel like I need to go in there just to get her out of my fucking brain."

"Then tell her that."

"Nah bro fuck that. Alright well I'll talk to you later Sixx."

"Alright bro." Nikki then decided to dial her but she didn't answer. She was home but didn't feel like talking to anyone.


Months after being on break, it was the start of a new year which meant a new tour. Santana was finally in the right state of mind. She acted as if everything was back to normal. She started seeing someone who wasn't in a band, he lived in her apartments. His name was Abel and he was a tattoo artist.

Nikki and his wife were expecting their first child together which made him extremely thrilled about it. Tommy and Pam were still married. Vince started dating someone named Heidi who he seemed to like. Mick was also dating someone who worked with him. Also, the Crüe was completely sober this time. It got them in the studio to record their Kickstart My Heart Album.

During tour, Santana completely ignored all of them unless it was something work-related. They were also a bit more agitated due to all the traveling and being sober. Doug didn't join them on this tour so she was calling all the shots, as well as Allen. They weren't acting crazy since they were all sober so it wasn't a bad tour, but they still bothered her.

Santana was in her hotel room when she heard a knock on the door.


"Can you fucking take me to the doctor, my dick itches."

"What happened to the condoms I fucking bought you?"

"I used em all up." She angrily rolled her eyes, grabbed her things, and radioed everyone.

"Santana here. Leaving to a clinic for Vince's STD check. If anyone else's dick itches or you want your shit checked, meet us in the lobby in 5 minutes, over and out."

"Why'd you have to radio it man?"

"That's what you get." Santana and Vince both waited in the lobby and all of them showed up.

"Fucking Christ seriously? Do I seriously need to have the fucking talk with you all? You too Chuck? Fuck." They all left in the van and drove to a nearby facility.

One by one, they all went to get tested. The results wouldn't come up until about 48 hours later for some.

"You're not gonna get tested?" Nikki asked Santana.

"I don't need to get tested."

"To be fair, you had sex with Tommy and I. You should get tested." Santana freaked out and decided to get tested as well. In the van, she made a new rule.

"From now on, everyone gets tested every 3 months while on tour. I'll remind you guys when it's time. Also, please practice safe sex, I mean fuck you guys, you should know better." They went back to the hotel and got ready for their show.

"Woah cool tat dude, is that new?"

"Yeah I got it like a month ago."

"What does it say?"

"It says Vacilando. It's a spanish term that basically means wandering or travel."

"Oh sick dude." That was the first time Santana and Tommy walked about something other than work related. They both went inside the venue and she started conversing with the staff to get everything set up.

"Hey Abel it's Santana, I'm at the venue, just thought I'd check in with you."

"What's up babe I'm at the shop."

"Sorry I'll call you back another time. It's night over here and I forgot our time zones are different."

"No no don't even trip, I'm taking a quick break before I finish this sick ass sleeve I'm working on."

"Cool make sure you take a picture so I can see it when I get back."

"Yeah forsure. Have you taken your medications for today?"

"Yes I did."

"Alright then baby I'll let you do your thing." Abel was the most caring thing ever. He definitely cared about her a lot and made sure she took care of herself while she was away. He was definitely a keeper. Abel was an attractive, tall, buff, tattoo covered guy with short. He was definitely the opposite of Santana's type but he charmed her enough.


It all started when he moved into those apartments and saw Santana walking to her door. He saw her and wanted to talk to her but didn't know what to say. She also noticed him but she didn't think anything of him.

"Yo." He said. Santana looked at him in disgust. "I haven't seen you around. I just moved in." She quickly went inside her apartment and shut the door. A couple weeks later, they ran into each other again. She had a coffee cup with her as she opened her door and accidentally dropped it on herself. Abel saw what happened and quickly helped her. The rest was history.


After the show ended, everyone went back to their rooms. They would be flying out that same very night so everything had to be packed and ready. They were going to fly outside of the U.S. to Europe.

(Author's Note: Pic of River Phoenix is supposed to be Abel lol. I didn't know who else would fit the image I had in mind and he seemed to fit. RIP)

From Dirt To Mud (Tommy Lee/ Mötley Crüe FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt