A New Threat.

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Hello everyone... I need to let y'all know about this. As this is probably my most viewed book, I'll publish it here. I recently got a notification from a youtuber I watch talking about the "AKJA". Also known as the Angry Karen/John Association. This is a very serious threat, as they are planning on trying to take down every social media where you can private message. This includes Wattpad. We need to take. them. down. and so, if you see anything related to the AKJA, please mute them, as they will try to scare you off the platform, note that the Karen's will be doing this, the John's on the other hand, will also try to scare you out of the LGBTQ+ community. This is serious. PLEASE spread this message!

(This fake threat was brought to you by Bijuu Mike- IT'S A JOKE!! But I would absolutely LOVE to see a bunch of people do this- So yeah lol- IF YOU ARE DOING THIS, NOTE THAT THIS IS A JOKE, THE AKJA IS FAKE! Although I will be creating a book about it lol- You can sign up to battle with us, literally anything we can think of XD OH- AND I'M THINKING OF MAKING A SHARED ACCOUNT FOR IT,  IF WE GET ATLEAST THREE PEOPLE WILLING TO DO IT, I'LL DO IT LOL- IF YOU WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, COMMENT "AKJA GANG"- DON'T FORGET THE CAPS ÙWÚ)

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