I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!

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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so so so so so so so sorry I didn't mean it they were telling me that I was worthless and that my death would make y'all guys so so much happier and that

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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so so so so so so so so sorry I didn't mean it they were telling me that I was worthless and that my death would make y'all guys so so much happier and that...
I wasn't myself whilst saying that I just... I gave in and let them take me over...

They... They... They...
They gave me a weird itch for pain...
And I couldn't take it...
The cutting wouldn't relieve it...
I asked them what it would take to relieve it...
And they responded with "Tell yourself goodnight..." and did this weird chuckle laugh thing...

For a second I wanted to...
I told Kay about it...

But then I just locked myself in that upstairs bathroom and started crying... I remember everything getting blurry... And then it went black... I woke up around an hour ago... I decided to take a break from Wattpad for the day... And forgot to tell y'all guys... I'm so so sorry... I'm sorry...

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