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🦋 John 🦋
shawty u still up?

KenZ 🥺
yes i am :)

🦋 John 🦋
good, so what time u wanna meet?

hmmm how abt 9 am?

🦋 John 🦋
great we can spend the whole
day together 🤩

that's why i picked 9
super excited to meet you!

🦋 John 🦋
i am too, you cutie

stawwp it 🥺🥺🥺

🦋 John 🦋
i know u like it when i call u that

im not gonna deny or agree
imma stay mute

🦋 John 🦋
wait, we still dont have each other's #

omg really?

🦋 John 🦋

ok here's my #
dont spam me, and we can ft at times

🦋 John 🦋
ok but don't get mad when i ft at like 3 am

i wont, im still awake by then

🦋 John 🦋
Sleep! u beauty, u need sleep

lmao no 💔, but tell me why you aren't sleeping mister?

🦋 John 🦋
thinking abt shit

oop 👀👀

🦋 John 🦋
lmao you dont wont get it

KenZ 🥺
I will! just tell me

🦋 John 🦋
i'll tell you some other time

bitch! your dumbass bitchass better tell me now

🦋 John 🦋
eye -
okok i will damn

thanks j 🥰🥺

🦋 John 🦋
just been thinking abt my career and shit. how things will turn out in the long run and what the future will look like. i just get scared that all of this can be taken away in seconds. just like that everything is over, ya feel?

awww j, dont think like that. your fans love you and im here now :) i'll always be here for you whenever u need me. i respect your career and i know you will go far in life. you are very talented and know your music, you should know that. even if something happens, i'll always be someone who you can fall back into. dont worry abt that rn, worry abt what you wanna do with what you have now. dont think abt what you can loose, but what you can achieve do.

🦋 John 🦋
yuh ig, but it's very hard yk. my manager always kinda reminds me to create a song bigger than the others and to rebuild my rep. it's suffocating.

awww god, i hope u are doing well bub. all your songs are hits and it's ok to rebuild your rep, but dont worry much abt it rn. just be yourself and be free. seeing you happy makes me happy, and im sure your fans will love and support you if you are just yourself.

🦋 John 🦋
i did not know you were a deep talker, but thank you for listening to me ramble
you are very wise cutie 😌😉

aww ofc! i just wanted you to realise the great things that can happen, and im glad that you talked to me abt this. it just helps us to get to know each other better

🦋 John 🦋
surprised u didn't leave me on seen

omg why would i? lmao that's mean if they do that
n e ways j, im tired. i'll see you tom 9 at madeupplace?

🦋 John 🦋
sounds like a plan
gn beauty

this was a pretty long dm convo

hope u guys liked it. pls vote and comment, dont be a ghost reader 🤡

im so sorry 😭 i lit rally am not in the best state possible and i keep forgetting abt this :(

i have a lot to fix in my life currently and i promised that i would update this book often, im sorry. shit just happens and this fucking sucks. i'm sorry again for not updating and always using drama, sadness and busyness as an excuse. :(

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