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song of the chapter: panic! at the disco - nicotine
tbh this song will never really have something to do with the chapter, it's just my fav song at that moment or a song that has been stuck in my head lmao


[not edited]

"isis!" my co-worker lola yells at me. "stop daydreaming and get to work! i need two strawberry milkshakes and a cheeseburger, hurry up."

i blink a few times before turning to her and say: "sorry, what?"

she exaggeratedly sighs and slowly says: "i said... i need two strawberry milkshakes and a cheeseburger, stop daydreaming and hurry up, please."

i stick my tongue out at her and walk towards the milkshake machine. "you are such a drama queen. it won't happen again, i'm sorry."

"dude, we both know that's not true." lola laughs at me. i playfully roll my eyes at her and laugh as well.

she's right, though. i'm a dreamer, it's just who i am.

i work in a small café called the gym, together with lola, a grumpy guy called tim and two other people i don't really talk to. jack, our boss, is always in the back, saying he has a lot of paperwork to do. he was also the one who started up the café, and thought of the amazing name. note the sarcasm. he thought it was a genius name, because then men could say they were going to the gym, while they were going to a place called the gym, where they would eat hamburgers, and not work out. jack is basically the only one that finds it funny.

lola is my best and only friend i have in this shitty town. she is the sweetest girl ever and she is able to make me laugh at any time. we have a love-hate friendship, which are the best friendships, in my opinion.

however, i still hate my job. i only work here because i really need the money.

lately ollie (that's what i call oliver most of the time) and i have been having trouble paying our bills, so i had to get a job as well. and now i work in a café. to be honest it's not even a real café, it's more of a hamburger tent, but jack is convinced it's a café, so that's what we call it.

i had met lola before i started to work in the gym, she was the reason i got the job, actually. she makes working a lot more fun, but i enjoyed staying home and just doing what i wanted (like watching netflix) much more.


"there you go. enjoy!" i say as i bring a man the food he has eagerly been waiting for. he grumbles an answer before stuffing his face with food. i make a face before quickly walking away. ew.

looking at the clock i see it's 5 o'clock already. fuck yes, my shift is over. i untie my apron, hang it up in the staff room, wave goodbye to lola and walk out the door.

i sniff in the fresh air and sigh happily. i love being outside after a day of work. the smell of fries and hamburgers isn't that great if you smell it eight hours straight. i start walking towards ollie and i's apartment, humming a song. for a november night it's pretty chilly. should have brought a jacket or something, i think as i shiver.

after a seven minute walk i reach the place i call my home. the door isn't locked, which is usual, because ollie is always home earlier then i am. working in a music store isn't really a late night job.

i kick off my shoes and walk into the living room. "ollie? where are you?"

"here!" i hear him shout.

i roll my eyes and laugh. "and where is here, you dipshit?"

he walks into the living room. "here is, well, here, ice."

ice is his nickname for me, it's like how you pronounce the first half of my name. he once called me that for fun, but it kind of stuck.


"i know."

i chuckle and engulf him in a hug. "i missed you."

he hugs back for a few seconds before stepping back and walking into the kitchen. "really? why, you haven't seen me for a few hours, that's not that much."

i frown. why is he acting so weird, normally he hugs me back longer and he definitely doesn't act so dick-y.

"is everything... okay?" i carefully ask, also walking into the kitchen.

he shrugs and looks at me as if i'm the weird one. "yeah, totally. why wouldn't it be?"

"i don't know, it's just- you know, never mind, i think to much."

he chuckles and walks towards me, pressing his lips to my forehead. "yeah, you do. well, bye!"

i roll my eyes and smile as he happily walks upstairs going to do god knows what.

his behaviour still confused me, though. he said everything was okay, but i could feel something wasn't right. in these seven months i've gotten to know him well enough to be able to see that. i just wonder why he wouldn't just tell me. that's what people in relationships do, right?

"wait, so we won't cuddle and watch a movie?" i shout after him.

his head pops up at the top of the stairs. "well, i was actually planning to do this uhm, thing, so i don't know."

"please?" i pout. "it's our tradition on fridays."

he looks back over his shoulder, then looks back at me and sighs. "fine."

i grin and say: "yay! i'll choose the movie."

"you got to choose the movie last time," he groans. "i want to now."

"fine. then i'll grab the popcorn and blankets."

"deal. great teamwork we have here." he says jokingly as we high five.

"hell yes we do." i laugh.

a few minutes later we're cuddled up together on the couch while watching fast and furious. not my favourite type of movie, too many explosions and all. but i have made ollie watch romantic movies too, so we're even.

"hey, oliver." i whisper halfway through.

"yeah?" he answers, not taking his eyes of the tv.

"i love you."

he looks down at me for a few seconds, before focusing on the movie again. "yeah, i love you too, ice."



oliver is played as dylan o'brien bc i can and dylan is hot as fuck

dedicated to indigofoxx bc she was my first vote ever and i'm really grateful for that so thanks babe :))

this was such a filler and hard to write bc there's literally nothing happening, but next chapter will be better i promise. this kinda showed their relationship or something, yeah i'll go with that. and i think it's better when a story doesn't start like BAM drama, so i'm just building it up (:



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