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 The moment he came to the new school which is a boarding school, he started to feel a strange aura of liars that smile in front of his parents. Those smile is a mask that concealed the real attitude of the student there. Even though, they were the same age, but being a first intake student make them became students with a mountain of pride. Right after his parents went home, the other student started to tell Raze to know his place as a second intake student that he is unworthy of becoming a friend of theirs. Raze just ignored them since in his mind is governed over by the desire to learn and not making a new friend.

 Not to mention that the rugby players was especially among those who were always judge another person and bullied them, not to mention that Raze was forced to sit near the trash bin. Little that they knew that this mental bullying would not make Raze became worse but instead it is quite convenient since one of his life motto is 'The sweetest revenge is the greatest success'.  In that day, the first class that Raze would join was Arabic language and he could sense something different with the teacher. When the teacher came into the class, she started to say that she would ask some question and those who cannot answer would not be allowed to sit down and would be caned.

 Raze carved a mysterious smile on his face and made other student thought that he was a crazy person. Later, he answered the first question and managed to sit down then, he waited until two other person sat, only to answered all the other questions after that and with that been done, only three person managed to sit down. Unfortunately for the others, they were caned due to their slow reflex to raise their hand to answer the question and the lack of knowledge to answer it correctly.

 The other person asked the other new students to be their friend but of course Raze would be excluded and this was their strategy to make sure Raze would felt lonely and eventually leave the school. Fortunately, Raze was a master of living alone and only rely to himself. Eventually, the teacher became angry at the other student for their attitude. Raze were later praised and he was given the full attention of the teacher.

 At the evening, he went back to the dormitory and met his acquintance  who were also a second intake student but were loved since he entered rugby. A few minutes later, a few rugby players that had the same age as he was, made fun of him saying that Raze is weak and Raze would never been able to get even a certification from a competition. Once again he just kept it to himself and controlled his rage while starting to dream about crushing his enemy hope.

 Life in boarding back in those years were known for bullying but this was not the cases for Raze since he were neglected by his peers, he usually spent time with the 17 year old students who were his senior and the eldest in the school. Automatically he was treated as a people from their batch and his senior would even bring him to hang out together.

My Cursed life book 3: Glory and griefWhere stories live. Discover now