horn of glory.

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 Ever since Raze got the first place in international competition, none were brave enough to be prideful in front of him but one person name Imterm still be quite the person who dared to test Raze's patience. However when he is 16 year old,  it was as though the fate smile upon him because the teacher that coaching the debate team for that school asked Raze and Amser to  woke the debate team from their dream since they didn't gave their all during the training session since they was sure that they would became to school representatives. coincidentally, Imterm was one of them.

 Raze and Amser agreed and did just the thing that they need which was beating them in a practice. When the competition was just around the corner, Amser didn't told Raze that he told the teacher about he is quitting from the team. So the teacher chose Raze with three others excluded Imterm since he also quit after losing to someone he hate.

 From that time onwards, there were waves of requests for him to became representatives for competitions and finally this is when Raze's horn of glory started to make a loud sound. The golden age for him. He joined and won quite the number of competition, leaving behind his peers who once bullied him mentally. Their heart now tremble before Raze's names whenever the thought of entering competition came into their head.

 The fame never made Raze became prideful except in front of those ignorant whom once let their pride consumed them and even dare to think that Raze were beneath their feet.

My Cursed life book 3: Glory and griefWhere stories live. Discover now