Flute of sadness.

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 Maybe some of you started to ignore the title of the book and started to think that the cursed life of Raze finally ended but sorry to pop your bubble of dream, it is not happening, at least not anytime soon.

 When he reached the age of 17, he was elected to became a participant in ISIPC competition. It is a good news for him but there was something that was happening. Even for ages, Raze sometime met Azirawati or he would asked Hazer about her. Even at another country, Raze was the only one in her heart and she could never let others replace him and of course, that is when the devil started to whisper hatred and jealousy into the heart of those who been rejected by her. 

 When Raze receive a bad news from Hazer, his heart broke into pieces and he almost committed suicide. "Raze, I got a bad news for you, it is hard for me to say this but Azirawati involved in an accident. A car run over her and she was dead. However, it is like she knew death awaits her, she wrote a letter for you, do you want me to read it for you or do you want to wait for me to send this letter to you because I had not read it yet?"

 "Ju.. ju.. just read it, I allow you to read it for me."

 "Honey, how are you doing? I hope you are doing fine, when you read this letter, something probably happen to me. I'm in the pink of health at least for now. I wrote this in advance since I afraid for what may you do to yourself once you know I'm dead. It seems like, even when dead had invited me, I still couldn't make you utter the word I love you to me. Even though you never utter the word I love you to me, I still love you and I know you love me.  Come on, don't cry because now I'm dead and couldn't wipe off your tears from your face since my hand couldn't move. I know it will be hard but I am concerned about your well-being, so you could forget about me anytime you want. The sooner the better since it will also affect your studies. Please, promise me that you will find another girl to replace me in your heart and let them become the cure. You must also remember to tell them that you love them because I didn't want you to feel sad forever. All of our memories, I really cherished it and I'm happy that I could be loyal to you and you could be loyal to me to my last breath. There were even time when there was a guy try to replace you but I glad I refuse him by showing your picture. I think that's all from me, hope that you would be a successful person in the future my dear."

 "Hazer, engraved this words in your heart, if I were to find the killer in the future, you would see he or she or even if it is them, die in miserable way. Okay, it seems like there are something I need to do for now."

 "Be strong buddy."

My Cursed life book 3: Glory and griefWhere stories live. Discover now