The curse

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Raze's heart was screaming in pain because of something that he really regret.

"Everyday, you always cheer me up, and you made my day. I never even once say I love you to you despite you always say it to me. It is hurtful, the reality is not beautiful, I had make a bunch of poem about you to show to you once we met again or even when we get married one day but it seems like it is nothing other than a dream now. There was no one that could replace you and you know that but you still asked me to find one and even ask me to make it as a promise. Since it is your last will, I will try to fulfil it."

Days later, he went to international public speaking competition and with something other than winning in his mind, which is to fulfil his late lover wish. When he came into a preparation room, he waited until it is his turn but it seems like fate favor his late lover, he was left alone with a woman. At that time they started to talk to each other and eventually, the girl asked question about marriage life. After that, it is her turn to actually go and enter the competition room. So the situation once again fill with void.

At the closing ceremony, Raze found the girl walking back and forth from in front of the open hall until the back and she was looking at Raze with the tail of her eyes. So, when the ceremony ended, Raze teacher told him that as a woman she could felt that the woman like him and later she asked the girl to take picture with Raze and she was surprisingly excited. After exchanging contact, Raze went back to his school. Even though that woman is really gorgeous and indeed made Raze's mind thought that she was the person to fulfil the will but Azirawati was still not discarded from Raze's heart.

The sorrow did not end there, Raze's primary school friend died due to cancer in May in the same year, and that year also happen to be the year where Raze gonna take a big exam. Raze still go to competitions and at last he got an award from his school as the co curricular figures. For the big exam that he never study for and got no spirit to take it seriously, He got 3A+,3A,3A-,1B and 1 C.

Azirawati will always be in his heart.

My Cursed life book 3: Glory and griefWhere stories live. Discover now