Chapter 98

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#SabrinaCarpenter 35.8k views

#SabbyisMylife: What the fuck is happening
#hollywoodnews: Guys this isn't fake! this is not a prank!
#PeyAndBri: NO the car crashed! His breaks stopped working


"Tragic car crash in LA takes out two of the worlds biggest pop stars, fans prey that Sabrina Carpenter and Peyton Meyer are okay"

"Car looses control as it comes down hill on a busy LA street, first responders and witnesses of the crash were quick to identify the car to be artist Peyton Meyer's Neon green customised 4.5 Million dollar Aston Martin"

"Sabrina Carpenters Instagram live tragically captures the last moments between the two before a car hit them, footage shows Meyer trying to regain control of the vehicle before slamming into a lamppost"

"Fans left shaken after a the view of an unconscious, bloody Sabrina Carpenter hand lying out of the window after the devastating car crash that took place this evening involving some of the worlds biggest icons"

"Sabrina carpenters Instagram live stream with over 30,000 viewers captions the moment Peyton Meyer told her the breaks on his Aston Martin has failed, and that the car does not have a hand break"

" 'I love you baby' Peyton Meyers last words to girlfriend, Sabrina Carpenter right before car crash in LA"

"Moments before Peyton Meyer lost control over his car, slamming into a lamppost, Sabrina Carpenter talks about a drink being spilled on her while out to dinner. This leads us to one question, was Peyton Meyer illegally drunk driving?"

"Tragedy in LA tonight as the public and fans who adore stars Peyton Meyer and Sabrina Carpenter, watch the two being pulled from the wreck and taken to hospital. While Carpenter seemed pretty easy to remove from the car, Meyer was stuck on the side against the lamppost they hit. Fans later saw medics rush Meyer over to the ambulance while being covered, so no one could see him"

"Peyton Meyer rushed to hospital while being covered so people could not see his body while girlfriend, Sabrina Carpenter, was taken to the hospital without being covered up. Does this mean he is in a worse condition?"

"After Peyton Meyer crashed his luxury Aston Martin, witnesses noticed the celeb being covered by a tarpaulin, leaving them with one burning question, is Peyton Meyer alive?"

"Is Peyton Meyer alive?"

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