Chapter 117

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Third person

He smiled down to her as she continued to cry in his arms, she hadn't even spoken to him yet. The people who worked backstage smiled sympathetically, sniffling and wiping a few tears of their own

He began to sort of guide the blonde off of the stage floor, leading her backstage into the dressing room, placing her down on the couch inside. "h-h-h" she stuttered unable to speak

He chuckled softly, "shh..don't speak, baby.." he sat beside her, holding her on his lap so that she was straddling him and stroking her hair, tucking it behind her ear. She sat up moments later, another set of realisation kicking in that he was here. She pressed her lips against his passionately, grabbing the side of his face without the stitches gently

He didn't hesitate, kissing his girl back while his hands found the small of her back. She pulled away moments later, her eyes trailing around different features "h-how are" She mumbled, wiping her eyes with her hands

"I woke up this morning baby" he replied "the doctor agreed to let me come here to surprise you..i have to go back once the shows over.." he explained. She shook her head, "No you can't go, you can't leave again" she cried

His heart broke sadly, "don't cry, bebe, I'm right here" he replied soothingly "but you almost died! You did die! What if it happens again, I can't loose you" she sobbed

"Sab..sab.." he slid her off of him, holding her face in his hands "I'm not going anywhere, I'm not dying, you aren't loosing me" he spoke strongly. She nodded, a pout on her face

"I love you bebe. I love you so much" he kissed her hand with the stitches on it. Her heart melted sending another flow of tears from her eyes "I love you too" she cried, leaning against his chest

"How are you feeling? Are your stitches healed?" He asked, his eyes dancing over her cuts "they're fine..nothing compared to yours..How long do you have to stay in hospital?" She asked, changing the subject into him

"I'm not sure, baby. Probably a few more days" he replied softly. She nodded against his chest, a comfortable silence fell upon them "how's cut.." she placed her hand gently on his lower abdomen

"It's healing, I'm on pain killers so it's not too bad. I got a black cast which is pretty cool though" he smiled, flashing the girl his wrist. She giggled "you're such a dork" she kissed him again

"I can't believe they let you come..did you just stand on the stage behind me?" She asked. He shook his head, "No. while you were getting ready Amir messaged Ceci so we had it all set up. The part of your song which was just instruments, I played the guitar very badly with my broken hand, and then you finished the song and I was just behind you for that bit" he explained

"So that's why they all screamed as the music was playing" Sabrina put two and two together. He nodded, "how was that for a grand return" he smirked

"It was great..the best thing ever..I wish you had told me though! I wouldn't have come today!" She replied, the glimmer returning in her eyes "No! That's the whole point, for it to be a surprise. You needed to come today, I'm glad you did" he replied

"I..I really here.." she smiled once again, biting down on her lip. He nodded "I sure am baby" he kissed her gently.

A knock at the door broke the two apart, "come in" Sabrina sniffled, Ceci entering the room "How was that for a surprise" she smirked as she looked to Sabrina

"It's the best surprise ever! But I'm not leaving his side now so if he needs to go back to the hospital then I hope they know they need a double bed because I'm climbing in beside him" she sassed making the two laugh

"I don't think they do that..but we will see. When your ready, the half time is about to finish and there's awards you guys are nominated for, so you may wanna come back.." Ceci trailed off

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