Chapter 105

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Third person

Sabrinas eyes shot up to the doctor, he turned around swiftly, exiting her room and making his way next door as other nurses ran down the hallway to meet him

Tears began pouring out of her eyes like a waterfall, her body wracking with sobs as she covered her mouth with her hand. Corey fixated his arms around her small frame, holding her close to him as she cried heavily

The others sat confused yet eager as they stared at the blank wall, trying their best to hear what was coming from the other side. "Shh..shh, it'll be okay, don't worry..shhh" Corey gently attempted to calm her down by stroking her hair

The doctor rushed to Peyton's room, opening it to see his heart had become significantly low, flatlining. He grabbed the defibrillator swiftly, turning it on and setting it to the right setting as the nurses pulled back the hospital gown he had on to reveal his bare muscular chest

"Okay..3..2..1..Clear!" The doctor pushed the metal pads into his chest, feeling his body rise underneath as the electricity courses through him "Again..3..2..1..Clear!" He shocked him again, feeling the same pull as last time

"Come on Peyton.." the doctor mumbled "And again..3..2..1..Clear!" He shouted, feeling the shock pulsate underneath him, the heart monitor returning to a slow beep

He sighed in relief, stepping away from the boy "oh thank god" he mumbled "well done team, move him up to the ICU we need closer care on him..he's not waking up soon" the doctor directed

He watched as the nurses wheeled Peyton out of the room, moving him down to the ICU to make sure he got better care, ensuring his heart doesn't stop again "Sir, he should be well of the General Anaesthesia by now, and his heart shouldn't have stopped for no reason.." another doctor spoke to him

"Well his heart rate was always low..we're gonna have to monitor it closer, if it starts to pick back up then he should be fine, it's if it continues at this pace then there's a problem" he sighed

"And the fact he's still asleep..?" He asked. "I'm not sure..I'll figure it out, don't worry" the doctor replied before leaving the room

Back in sabrinas room she continued to hyperventilate, hear heart rate shooting up to faster beats as she cried into his side "he's dead..his heart flatlined! You told me he would live!" She sobbed, trying her hardest to pull away, kicking and crying

Coreys eyes flashed with worry as she got aggressive, continuing to squirm under his grip "get this shit off of me! Let me see him!" She reached for the drip in her arm, corey grabbed her hand, pulling it away so that she couldn't yank on the chord

A nurse came rushing in beside corey, a syringe in her hand, injecting the liquid into Sabrinas arm. Her body relaxed in his arms almost instantly, lying back in her bed "what is that?" Ceci looked up to the nurse confused

"It's a diazepam's used to calm them down..she will stay calm now, might even go to sleep" she informed the group before disappearing out the room again

"I just..I just want to see him.." Sabrina mumbled as her eyes flickered shut, pulling herself into a deep sleep

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