Chapter 102

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Third person

The four sat tiredly outside the two rooms, Rowan asleep in Corey's lap while Ceci rested her head against the wall behind her "how long has it been?" She mumbled to Amir beside her

"It's 4:46..we've been here since just before do the math" he replied unenthusiastically. Ceci sighed, standing up weakly "I need coffee..or something otherwise I'm going to pass out..want anything?" She asked

He nodded, standing up "I'll come with you" he mumbled, following the girl over to the coffee machine in the waiting room. They stood there patiently for a few minutes, watching as the coffee cups filled up to the top

They made their way back over to Corey and Rowan, passing Corey one of the warm drinks, placing another on the floor for when she wakes up. The doctor brushed passed them, opening and closing Peyton's door as he went inside

He checked over everything, making sure things were okay for him before leaving the room again and entering Sabrinas, her heart rate had returned back to normal, a steady rate beeping on the monitor

"Is everything okay?" Corey asked as he left the room. The doctor nodded, "there's a bit of good and a bit of bad" he started, their hearts dropping lower into their stomachs "Good news is that Miss Carpenters heart rate has returned back to normal, a steady 75 beats per minute. She should be awake within the next few hours. More good news is that Peyton's charts came back with no alcohol in his system, indicating he was sober when the crash happened, so it's down to the faulty car" he explained

"That's good, that means he won't be charged..and the bad news?" Amir asked "his heart rate hasn't changed, and by the looks of it he hasn't even started wearing off the anaesthesia yet..his pupils are still really dilated and dazed, his heart has stayed around 30 all night" the doctor sighed

"That isn't necessarily a bad sign, it doesn't mean things are going just means they're going to take a little longer then expected. We advise not to share their details on social media as of yet, due to the accident being so public, people will be eager to know what happened and they will make assumptions. You're best to let the world know they're okay after they've woken up and after we know" the doctor smiled sympathetically

"We're gonna leaves Miss Carpenters door open so that when she wakes up you can go in. Don't go in before she wakes up and when she does don't overwhelm her, it is likely she'll be confused and still drowsy" he informed them before leaving their side

"So basically, we have to sit and wait even longer?" Ceci asked the boys beside her. Amir sighed, leaning back in his chair and taking a sip of coffee "looks like it" he mumbled

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