Male Cast

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Seth Rollins :

Problem in a relationship :Gets bored easily, wondering eye, doesn't like to be venerable, 

Ideal women : Smart, funny, Driven ,freacky ,Independent 

Roman Reigns :

Problem in a relationship : Falls in love quick, Trust easily, can't tell between good or bad , always comparing relationships with his ex 

Ideal :Intelligent, Free spirit, dominant,beautiful inside and out, calm and cool under pressure, mature 

Dolph Ziggler :

Problem in a relationship :Cheater, one foot out the door at all times, Gets bored easily

Ideal Women :Strong ,nice body, can put him in his place, nice smile, can cook 

AJ Styles

Problem in relationships:Communication ,Jealous quickly, Scared to be dumped and bumps first 

Ideal Women :A lady, Manners, good with kids, fusty, can talk through her problems 

Finn Bálor :

Problem in a relationship :Too trust worthy, can't tell the difference between love and friendship 

Ideal women :Caring, Driven, Independent, Loyal, Can communicate 

Dean Ambrose :

Problem in a relationship :Hiding behind humour, doesn't like to be venerable, alot of walls up 

Ideal Women :Bad ,Bossy, Classy, Independent, Can take a joke, Beautiful smile, love to party and coddle 

Andrade :

Problem in relationships:Always going back to his ex ,only goes for blondes ,Very Flirtatious, Gets jealous often ,High maintenance 

Idea women :Blonde, white smile, driven ,independent, Caring, Very funny 

Drew McIntire :

Problem in a relationship : Falls in love fast a hard, always going for bad girls, very particular 

Ideal women :Bad ass Smart, not to short ,confident, caring heart 

Jey Uso : 

Problem in relationships :Communication, Very sweet but come off as Flirty, Player 

Ideal women :Independent, intelligent, nice smile, strong mind, funny 

Daniel Brian : 

Problem in relationships :Doesn't give second chances ,running away from problems, doesn't make the first move 

Ideal women :Brunnet,Carring ,smart, love animals, determined, loyal 

CM Punk :

Problem in relationships :Can't fully trust people, jealous easily ,afraid of being venerable 

Ideal Women :Wall flower, smart, independent,mature, great smile 

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