Episode 1-Part 2 =The Date

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A/N :The date will be deep sea diving then separate dinners 


With all the Drama going on in the house some super stars prefer to be on the side lines 

*Daniel -VC :I haven't talked to one girl since being here and honestly I don't know if I'mgonna find love here ,My last relationship was great but she was just too clingy and I don't need that and it's a huge  turn off so I definitely know I'mnot a match with Mandy because this chick is crazy *Chuckles *I feel sorry for Seth *

"I'm Paige "Paige said to Drew McIntire

 "I'm Drew "Drew smiled

 "I love your accent "Paige said making him blush

 "I was about to say the same thing to you "Drew chuckled

 "Are you British? "Drew asked leaning against the wall 

"Yeah I am ,And what about you? "Paige asked 

"I'm Scottish "Drew said with a thick accent 

"I know this may sound insensitive but I think your really attractive with your accent "Paige said making him smirk 

"Yeah I've been told "Drew chuckled

 "So who are going to choose for the match up ceremony? "Paige asked

 "Honestly I have no Idea but I could choose you if your okay with that "Drew said making Paige blush 

"I'd like that "

*Paige -VC : Now I know I had my little thing with Dean but I'm here for love and I feel maybe there's potential between me and Drew. I mean it's the Sexy Scotsmen and the British Babe *giggles *I'm such a dork *

*Drew -VC :The one thing women go for in me is my appearance then they hear the accent and they fall in love ,Paige and I have potential it's just she's always hanging around other people like Dean so we never really had that talk if I'm being honest *

The girls were out side taking in the relaxing sunshine while the boys were working out 

"So Y/N how are feeling after yesterday's mess? "Brie asked Y/N 

"I'm just trying to get all the negative emotions out because I'm not one to want to fight someone but what annoyed me is that she only know him for a day and she's that crazy so imagine elen weeks time what she's gonna be like "

"But do you think Seth could be your match? "Sasha asked

 "Maybe I mean we haven't really had that talk yet "Y/N said 

"Well for what it's worth you were like a freaking Terminator last night "Naomi said 

"I actually thought you were going to seriously hurt her "Charlotte said 

"I was if you guys would have given me a chance, hell I was gonna mop the floor with her if I had to "Y/N said making everyone laugh 

"So Brie who do have your eye on here "Becky asked "I'm really interested in talking to Daniel "Brie said 

"So why don't you? "Sasha asked

 "Well Daniel is a bit shy I think, he hasn't really talked to anyone of us since we got here "Brie said

 "That's true but remember you can make the first move too you know "Becky said 

"How about the Truthbooth who are sending in tonight "Charlotte said "I'm sending in Seth and Mandy "Sasha said 

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