Episode 2 The Challenge

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A/N:I will be using different challenges from different seasons of Are you the one 

After the match up ceremony the superstars entered the house excited

"We got three beams! "Becky said entering the house with the others

" I'm taking shots who's with me! "Dean yelled "Yeah we deserve it! "AJ Styles yelled 

*VC-Sasha & Paige :"Who do you think we're those matches? "Paige asked sipping her drink "I think Alexa and Finn, Seth and Y/N and of course You and Drew "Sasha said as Paige gushed*

*VC-Finn :The fact that we got three beams and it's week one just makes the possibility of me and Alexa even greater and I know it's early but I think I'm falling in love with this girl *

*VC-Seth :I'm just excited that we are destroying this game I can't wait to leave here with love and money, hopefully after tonight I can see weather there's that spark between me and Y/N *

While the others were partying inside Y/N pulled Seth aside for a one on one conversation 

*VC-Y/N :So I wanted to pull Seth aside from all the Drama and partying going on inside because I wanted to know him on a deeper level and what better way to do that then on a chair swing *

"So your probably wondering why I brought you out here "Y/N said smiling

 "Yeah but I'm not complaining "Seth said smirking making Y/N chuckle

 "Could you stop being adorable for one second "Y/N said making Seth red

 "I want to know the real you like why are you here? "Y/N leaning on Seth's shoulder

 "Well just like everyone in this house I suck a relationships ,my last relationship with my ex was terrible. She always thought I would cheat so she hurt me before I could hurt her and it was really the down fall of our relationship, and after it's been really hard to open up to people and show them the real me so I always acted like I didn't care but I'm just really shielding myself "Seth said 

*VC-Y/N :Seth is a very confident guy and he doesn't really show that much emotion so for him to open up and express his feelings it's just beautiful. I can definitely relate to his situation *

"Despite the relationship fails I had I still want to find love and start a family. I want one wife and that's it "

 "I love how you you've been through so much yet you still have the courage to open up to me "Y/N said 

"Well I'm trying to prove to you that I'm serious about getting to know you and stuff "Seth said putting an arm around Y/N letting her head lay on his chest

 "Well I can tell you your doing great so far "Y/N said

 "What about you? Why are you here? "Seth asked 

"Well I just gotout of a four year relationship  where he proposed, he was the love of my life or at least I thought "Y/N said 

"What happened?"Seth asked caressing her arm

 "He became distant and I found out he cheated on me and the worse part is I found out from the girl he cheated on me with. For along period of time I even blamed myself for it thinking I wasn't good enough for him "Y/N said trying to smile

 "Hey look at me "Seth said lifting her face with his finger 

" You are perfect, he obviously didn't appreciate what he had. Don't you ever blame yourself okay "Seth said making Y/N blush red as Seth leaned in close proximity to her face making their lips collided in so much passion 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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