Female Cast

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A/N :Y/n is your name and you will be apart of the cast

Y/N :

Problem in relationships : Has a guard up, always going for the guys who don't appreciate her ,free spirit 

Ideal man :Tall ,tattoos, Intelligent, Respectfull ,trust worthy, persistent, funny, deep 

AlexaBliss :

Problem in relationships :Never gives up, wanting all the attention, Jealous easily 

Ideal man :Trust worthy ,sweet, a gentle man, nice smile ,can communicate 

Sasha Banks :

Problem in relationships :Communication, Jealous quickly, always going for bad boys 

Ideal man :Tall,dark and handsome, Respectfull, Loyal, driven, can have fun 

Charlotte Flair 

Problem in relationships :Too high maintenance, intimidating, temper ,

Ideal man :Confident but not arrogant, funny, treats her like a Queen 

Becky Lynch : 

Problem relationships :Communication, goes for possessive guys, free spirit 

Ideal man :Funny out going, Tall ,can take a joke ,sweet, trust worthy 

AJ Lee :

Problem in relationships :Doesn't speak her minded, going back to her ex, too sweet 

Ideal man :Smart ,mature, driven ,gentle, loving 

Naomi :

Problem in relationships :Always the side chick ,can't pick between good and bad 

Ideaman :Funny, positive, Loyal ,can communicate, great listener 

Carmella :

Problem in relationships :Bored easily, always wanting more ,jealous often 

Ideal man :Tall ,hansom, Respectfull, trust worthy, persistent 

Mandy Rose :

Problem in relationships :Communication, Wondering eye ,can't commit ,Player

Ideal man :Tall  ,bad boy, nice ,respect, loyal, 

Nikki Bella :

Problem in relationships :Falls hard and fast, too trusting 

Ideal man :Kind, intelligent, Hard working, respect, loves animals

Paige :

Problem in relationships :Wild card ,Going for bad boys, communication 

Ideal man :Funny, handsom, can have fun ,respectful, trusting, not possessive 

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